Sunday, April 30, 2017

Today's News

Rock ride:

The Rock is designing a new jungle ride for Disney theme parks, to coincide with a film he is starring in.


WWE have announced a weekly Arabic show. Stephanie McMahon made a trip to Dubai to announce the new show. It will be a recap show, but will also feature content specific to the market, like women's matches, but with the ladies dressed more demurely.


Tonight is WWE Payback. WWE have already taped some of the house of horrors match, which was recorded in an actual creepy house. The rest of the match will be in the ring live.

Mauro in UK:

Mauro Ranallo called a big boxing match in London last night.

Wrestling at sports event:

Jerry Lawler and Buff Bagwell, who subbed for Scott Steiner, ran a series of wrestling skits during a basketball game in Memphis last night.


X-Pac and Alberto Del Rio have been criticised for no-showing bookings this weekend.

Vince sends indie stars message:

The Young Bucks say Vince McMahon sent them a message before WrestleMania...

"Matt Hardy comes up to the ring and he's like, 'Vince McMahon called me this morning and said, 'hey I know these Young Buck kids are good, but could you please tell them to take care of you guys? We actually felt a lot of responsibility there too. We knew what they were doing the next night. We were two of the few guys in the world that actually knew about it. Nobody else in Ring Of Honor that night knew about it except us. So we were like, 'we can't hurt these guys.' What would that look like on us? That was definitely weighing on our hearts. We were like 'we gotta take care of these guys.' They've got a big night tomorrow."

Swagger talks leaving WWE:

''I had been with the company for 10 years. I'm very fortunate for the career that I had. What it really was is a business decision. I valued myself at a certain price, they valued it at another. I've gotta move forward. It was just time for a change; time for Jack Hager/Jack Swagger to go out and see other opportunities. I'm kind of green all over again on this side. It's so exciting. It's the best time to be a wrestler. Transcending countries, languages. It's really cool to be a part of that movement. I'm grateful for the brand that we created together. I'm home more, I have 2 young kids. If I could be Mr. Mom, I would. Packing lunches, I could take my son to school. I'm a big family man. Now we are putting the family first. 200 days a year out there in a car every night it's really gotta be in your heart. Now that I'm on the outside of it I could see where I was making mistakes and how I could've handled things differently. I'm excited to put my nose to the concrete and grind. Independent wrestling is so big and with social media now and the internet we could brand ourselves. I really don't like the term indies, because it's not indies anymore. I'll go anywhere. Japan would work perfectly the way I wrestle. It's a new movement of territories coming up again. People are working together to put on good shows and put on good wrestling."

Japanese star makes strides:

Tomoaki Honma is able to walk again, following a ring accident.

Old boy blasts NXT:

CJ Parker says of his time in WWE...

"Yeah. That's the problem with WWE. I felt like nothing there. Just a number. I didn't affect anything. But here I feel like I'm on a small team making a big difference. I feel like I contribute. I can feel New Japan growing and myself growing. I'm excited. I'm happy. It's great."

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