Friday, April 7, 2017

Today's News

Knockout branches out:

ODB says she is taking time out of wrestling to start a food truck business.

Undertaker confirms retirement?:

The Undertaker has made his first public comments since WrestleMania, and may have made a cryptic reference to his status. He was talking about a musician and friend of his, and said a particular song summed up where he his in his life right now. The song 'Troubador' tells the story of a man that had lived his life being the best troubador he could be, but is now content with what he has accomplished.

WWE on TV:

The Rock and Big Show were on Jimmy Fallon last night.

JR says Undertaker brought him home:

''I had interactions with him before. He used an RV as his dressing area. I went in his RV when I arrived hours before we were going on. So we had a very good personal conversation. We've been joined at the hip for a long, long time, even back to the WCW days. I helped get him into WCW from World Class Championship Wrestling. I thought at the time, you don't see too many 6-foot-9, 300-pound guys who were athletic. Young Mark Calaway was an athletic beast. So we had a nice conversation. And, a big hug afterward. I cried, he didn't want to cry, though he might have had a tear. It was very emotional for him afterward, and I didn't want to monopolize his time. It sure as hell wasn't about me, it was about him. What he helped facilitate for me was the greatest honor I have received in wrestling. I've been in three Halls Of Fame, and they pale in comparison to having a legendary guy wanting to bring me back—whether I was under contract or not—to be part of the broadcast team, so I can add to his soundtrack of that match. It was a really emotional day."

He also revealed the details of his new deal...

"I think I'm going to do 30-40 dates in my first 12 months of my deal. Those dates are to be determined. There's nothing they can assign me that I haven't done before. How many wrestling matches you think I've called in my lifetime—100,000? If they want me to do U.K. or NXT or Main Event, I don't care. It's all good to me. My days of being the lead guy, the No. 1 voice—all that is way yesterday. Guys who've had those issues like I have had in my career, they have self-esteem and confidence issues. I have both those. Totally happy to admit it, but I ain't got them no more. I'm 65 years old. I feel great, I just lost my wife, I'm trying to get back on my feet here, and I've said this and I truly mean it: I'm happy to get my jersey back. I'm happy to re-sign with my old team. Whatever role I need to play, I'm fine with."

JBL breaks kayfabe:

JBL says he will not address rumours of his personal feud with Mauro Ranallo, but did break character to wish him well. He also called Justin Roberts a liar, an idiot and said everyone hated him, in response to the bullying accusations of earlier in the week.


More NXT stars, including Elias Samson and Andrade Cien Almas, will be moved to the main roster during next weeks draft.

No return:

Shawn Michaels has given his reason for staying retired...

"I could never get passed the creative character stuff that I really enjoyed doing. I just can't, making money over that perfect sort of arc and ending and everything. It just doesn't seem right to me."

WrestleMania 34:

WWE have listed their top matches for next years Mania.

  • Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar (Champion vs Champion)
  • John Cena vs Roman Reigns
  • Attitude Era battle royal
  • Stephanie McMahon's Mania debut vs Charlotte, Sasha or Bayley.

Wedding didn't happen:

A drunken Alberto Del Rio revealed he did not marry Paige last week during a social media video this week.


The Rock will appear in another Disney movie, this time 'Jungle Cruise.'

Shakeup shaken up:

WWE have changed their minds about some swaps for next week. New Day will now stay on Raw and the Club would join the blue show to reunite with AJ Styles, who will now be staying put, also Sasha Banks would make the jump instead of Charlotte.


Kane is to make an announcement on his future political hopes on Tuesday of next week, he may also address what that means for his wrestling future.

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