Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Today's News

Returns and Debuts:

Erick Rowan returned to SmackDown last night, and two NXT stars made the step up to the blue show, Tye Dillinger and Shinsuke Nakamura.

Oney Lorcan has joined the Red brand as a 205 Live star.


A weekly UK show for the stars of the UK WWE offshoot has been confirmed.

Legend involved in Mania:

Horror icon Tom Savini created the mask Kalisto wore at Mania.


WWE and TNA old girl Brooke is engaged to be married.


Undertaker is about to start having surgeries on a number of issues he has been working with, including the hip replacement that will end his career.

Jonathan Coachman says he will ask WWE for an exclusive interview with the dead man.

Alum quits:

Damien Sandow, the first TNA Grand champion, has left Impact.

ROH star quits:

Taeler Hendrix has ended two years with the promotion.

Match dropped:

WWE decided not to have a match for the Cruiserweights at Mania, despite telling the stars of 205 Live they would be involved. Only the two men in the title match got on the card.

Graves takes it back:

Corey Graves admits his criticism of Shane vs AJ was wrong.

Alum blasts top star:

Justin Roberts has come out with stories of backstage bullying by JBL...

''He terrorized guys. It's funny because people are bringing this up now because of the stuff going on now and the book release, but this was like 2003-2004; it was a long time ago. He terrorized me, and a lot of guys. He'd make life hell for a lot of guys. He chewed Miz and Morrison out after they won the titles for not celebrating enough. He was eventually let go back then, and when he came back he was a lot better, but he was mostly only showing up for TV. Even now, it comes across on commentary with how he is with Byron. He had a group. He was like the leader, and he pretty much had a cabinet, just like on TV. They followed him and did what he asked. It was him vs. 'the new guys' He had taken my passport out of my bag, and the next tour I guarded it with my life. On the flight back, Orlando Jordan told me he would watch my back and I should go to the gift shop. I didn't take his advice. I also remember being told I had to bring beer to the guys on the plane, but I got out of that, luckily. Back then, Bob Holly, Kid Kash, and Orlando Jordan was like JBL's stooge. It's the mentality there. The higher-ups don't see it as bullying, they laugh it off and encourage it because they just find it funny. Obviously the locker room has changed, but Vince, Kevin, and Hunter like to entertain themselves and it still happens.''

Still Game:

Scottish actor Greg Hemphill, of 'Still Game' fame visited his friend William Regal at the WWE PC today, and his son also got a treat. The 11 year old ran into Triple H.

WWE release:

WWE have fired one half of the Vaudevillains. The team worked the post show SmackDown live match last night, but he was released shortly after. The release was Simon Gotch, leaving Aiden English without a partner, and probably in need of a repackage. Gotch has had heat in the past for having a big mouth and a backstage fight with Sin Cara last year, but rumour is he asked for the release and had it granted on the spot.

Hardyz on tour:

The Hardy Boyz have confirmed they will fulfill their indie bookings, despite their recent WWE return.

HHH milestone:

Triple has hit 5 million Twitter followers.

UK wrestling:

World Of Sport have been granted a 10 episode series on ITV in the UK. Impact will co-produce and promote the shows.

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