Saturday, April 22, 2017

Today's News

'Swoggle remembers 6 hour shift:

Hornswoggle has recalled hiding under the WWE ring for hours during an angle...

"When it comes to being under the ring, I'd either go under before the doors opened or would get snuck under in the dark while a video package played on the screen. There were times when I was underneath for six-plus hours because it wouldn't work out to sneak me under later in the show. I'd get dressed under there, have plenty of waters, and would normally bring my phone or PSP. Thankfully, I never had a bathroom emergency under the ring."

HOF'er committed suicide?:

Animal says he could well believe his old school friend and fellow HOF'er Ravishing Rick Rude took his own life in 1999...

"You know I knew Rude since high school and - God you know what, it wouldn't surprise me. I don't think it was that, but I knew Rude had a little bit of a depression problem. For the way he looked, all ripped up and looked good, he had a little bit of a self conscious issue. He was wondering how he looked and how he was. So that kind of doesn't surprise me. I know for a fact cause I know Rude real well, yeah he smoked a lot but he was Percocet guy, I knew that for sure. I think that's one of the drugs he OD'd on. I never read a toxicology report, I don't know what exactly he died from, but he and I found some Greek place and we got to talking a lot. I see the tendency - I see what you're talking about. I can see that can be a possibility, but I really can't say for sure man."

Brother Love tells the story of the Fake 'Taker's fake tats:

"We had a tattoo expert come in. We had tattoos put on Brian Lee's arm, the exact same tattoos as The Undertaker. As a matter of fact, Jerry Lawler sat at the makeup station with Brian Lee and drew and put color in the tattoos because we didn't think the tattoo artist didn't do a good job putting on the temporary tattoos. They didn't look good enough and Lawler sat there and he said, 'I can fix that.' Lawler sat there with a pen and put tattoos on Brian Lee's arms.We had Brian Lee come to the studio and get in the ring and work with Undertaker, get his mannerisms down pat, as close as we could." 

He also says he told the real 'Taker off for getting his first tattoo, and demanded he didn't get anymore...

"When Undertaker got his first tattoo, I told him, 'dude, you probably just ruined your career right there. Why would you do that? Whatever you do, don't get any more tattoos!' That was my advice to him in Binghamton, New York. I'll never forget it. You can tell he listened to me, it was a tattoo of himself with the skull and crossbones and everything, and I thought, 'now, you can't do anything else if this Undertaker gimmick doesn't work out for you, kid. You're now branded with this f--king tattoo. What are you thinking you big, dumb, redheaded son of a b---h?' Yeah, needless to say he didn't take my advice and I think I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I think it worked out alright for him. Everything worked out okay."

He then recalled a fall out from the night of the two 'Takers, between the real one and Bret Hart...

"Pretty f--king hot. He was hot. No, he was f--king hot. Nobody was there for the confrontation because no one wanted to be there, but Taker did go and talk to Bret just to let him know, hey, he wasn't happy with it. I mean, I don't know. It wasn't heated. Taker's not that kind of a guy, but he did have a conversation with him that night. And, no, no one was there, so there's no witness. The only people that know what happened in that are Undertaker and Bret."


Dash Wilder has had his surgery on his damaged jaw.

Sandow moves on:

Damien Sandow has landed his first movie role, but says he has not burnt his boots yet...

"I assure you the boots are not burnt. You know, will I ever lace them up again? I don't know. I'm a very transparent person, especially with the fans. I'm not going to lie and say, 'oh I'll be back.' You know I don't know if I'll be back maybe I will maybe I won't you know. But the one thing is I miss the interaction with the fans, I miss the crowds, and I miss being able to kind of like entertain you know. Just put these weird twists on characters I genuinely do miss that. But again where I'm at in life right now it's just kind of taken me in a different direction not to say that I won't end up in a ring again."

Why Eva is still active:

WWE and Eva Marie will not confirm her departure from the company until the current run of 'Total Diva's' ends.

Announcer leaves WWE:

Mauro Ranallo has confirmed he has left WWE, but will still be contracted until SummerSlam season. JBL has apologised for any upset he caused, and claimed that WWE investigated the accusations against him, but did not reveal their findings...

"Admittedly, I took part in locker room pranks that existed within the industry years ago. WWE addressed my behavior and I responded accordingly, yet my past is being brought up because of recent unfounded rumors. I apologize if anything I said playing 'the bad guy' on a TV show was misconstrued."

Alum criticises WWE women:

Vickie Guerrero says the women of WWE cannot cut a promo...

"I look at some of the girls and they can't do a promo and it just amazes me. Some are very talented, don't get me wrong. Some girls can do a great promo, but when I was there I do believe that I was the only one that could do a promo."

Samoan dynasty say goodbye:

Rosey was laid to rest in Florida today.

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