Monday, April 24, 2017

Today's News

ODB welcomes change:

ODB is glad that the old regime are gone from Impact...

"I love it, I'm glad the old management is out. Yeah I said it."

Impact signing:

Scott Steiner returned to Impact last night.

HOF'er critical of top star:

Steve Austin says Seth Rollins must do better...

"Rollins is somewhat over, not all-the-way over, not by a long shot. Now, I don't mean that in a bad way. That's just being honest. He relied on his sequences and his athleticism to carry him. To take him to the next level, he'll have to get more character development. When you say 'Seth Rollins' or if you want to say 'Seth Freakin' Rollins', I still don't have a sense of what or who this guy is. And so, that rests on Seth Rollins' shoulders, as an individual, as a performer, to define or create that as well as the WWE because I still don't get a sense of what kind of personality he is."

He went on to tell him to use Bret Hart as his inspiration...

"Bret wasn't an over-the-top guy. He was a pretty humble and a very quiet individual outside the ring, so in many regards kind of somewhat like Seth although Bret's an entirely different animal, but there's a case of a guy who's not a showy kind of guy, but very conservative, but just a highly defined gimmick, a badass gimmick, and a world class worker, so Seth needs to work on this."


Jim Ross' book is now available for pre order on Amazon.

Raw tease:

  • Braun Strowman to battle Kalisto in a Dumpster Match on Raw
  • Alexa Bliss closes in on the Raw Women's Title
  • Will The Miz retaliate against Dean Ambrose?
  • Bray Wyatt brings true "Horror" to Raw
  • Business gets "personal" between Seth Rollins and Samoa Joe

Dreamer calls for one more match:

Tommy Dreamer says WWE need to get Undertaker back in the ring one more time...

"I was shocked. I love the Undertaker both professionally and personally. When I left WWE's ECW, I took off my shirt and laid it in the ring. I knew that ECW wasn't coming back. People still ask when did I retire from WWE. Well, I didn't retire, I just retired from that chapter in my life. From a business standpoint, if I was Vince McMahon, I would build the next WrestleMania as Undertaker's last match and then have him retire."

WWE poach Impact star:

WWE have signed Crazzy Steve. The former TNA Tag champ was approached whilst still under contract to Impact, but quit to accept the WWE offer.

Animal vs Steiner:

Animal has reacted to Scott Steiner saying he and his brother would kill LOD in a shoot fight...

"Oh bullsh*t. By the time they'd go for a single leg they'd be knocked out. As soon as you dive we'd punch you down in the back of the head. Listen, Just cause Hawk and I were street guys, doesn't mean I didn't do ammeter wrestling when I was younger. Now was I at a level of Scotty or Rick at ammeter wrestling wise? They would kill us and Scotty is right. But if it's real I'm not gonna sit there and let a guy go leg dive on me. I'm either gonna kick him in the face or punch him in the head, and so is Hawk. So a street fighter any day of the week you'd see - look at UFC. A lot of the guys that win are not wrestlers. Some guys are though. Steiner brothers are two good guys man I will never have anything bad to say about either one of them."

Punk on TV:

CM Punk has signed on as a pro on an MTV reality show. A group of amateur athletes would compete in various challenges vs real athletes to win $50,000.

Sin Cara:

Sin Cara has debuted new glow in the dark ring attire.

Shaq reveals why Mania did not happen / blames WWE:

"Because they kept playing. First, they said it was me and Big Show. Then, they said it was going to be 3 and 3. Then, they cancelled it so when they cancelled it, I made other arrangements. And then they tried to call back and tried to get it done, and I just said, 'I'm not going to do it.' They messed it up."

He disputed that he refused to lose, and said that he would of course have lost the match.

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