Saturday, April 29, 2017

Today's News

WWE bully:

Rich Brennan has talked about Tom Phillips' dirty tricks to get ahead during their time coming through the PC together...

"I'll address that real quick. That tweet was sent to her by somebody. And to be honest with you, that was more in reference to someone else at the Performance Center than it was to me, or than it was with me… you know, if you want to say giving people a hard time or making it difficult for somebody to get ahead. There was somebody else who was at the Performance Center who was basically handcuffed from doing anything that the announcers were supposed to do at the PC, because… you know what…? To hell with it. Tom made it difficult for a friend of mine who was there. Quite honestly, my friend Alex who was hired, who was there. Now, at that point, I wasn't at the PC on a day-to-day basis but I know Alex and I know he works hard and I know he's enthusiastic and into the product and whatever. But there were certain things… for instance, when I got to the PC that I was allowed to do and that I was told to do because that was part of the learning process that, now that this guy is there, my friend is there, and he's supposed to be going through that whole process, except he's being told, 'No, you can't do this, this, this, this and this.' Then what is he supposed to do? So that had more to do with that than it did with me. But politics... that's part of it. Do I blame Tom and some of the other people involved? They wanted their guy. I wanted my guy. He won, so there you go."

NXT return:

Sawyer Fulton returned from injury last night, at an NXT live.

Legend has no respect for HOF'er:

Ronnie Garvin says he does not like Ric Flair's lifestyle...

"I have never seen him since 1987. I don't like being in that kind of world. It is bullsh*t. But to each his own. It is his life and you live it the way you want to. But I don't respect it because to me you are a goof. When you blow your money away and you wind up down the road broke and if you look in sports and entertainment you see folks that had everything and the last part of their life is just misery. Why go through that at the end of your life and go through that financially. I've heard all kinds of stories that I don't know are true or not but I wish him the best and he's never done anything to me but I respect people that are down to earth, people that are accomplishing things without having to brag about all of their feats in the world, how many women they slept with, how many drinks I can have in one night and driving the Mercedes and taking limos. I got in the ring with him, I never sat a table and had a meal with him or met him in a bar or had a long conversation or even travel with him. I never did that."

Hogan's collection:

Hulk Hogan says he has collected every bandana he wore through the big nights of his career...

"I was counting this morning, and I counted one row of black bandanas that had twenty plain black ones in a row and there were ten rows of black ones only...I've got some bandanas that I've found that I've had for like twenty years. No! They're really cool, they got a 'memory thing' to them or something, ya know, somethin' really cool happened that night."

Naomi reveals how close she came to missing Mania:

"Yes, it was literally the week before. And even then it was still a possibility, 'I don't know if you want to risk it or give it more time.' I fought and fought and fought and begged. Just had to really get them to trust me. 'Trust me, I know my body. I can go, I can do this.' And it was literally a week before. I for sure thought I wasn't going to make it."

Alum goes home:

Shinsuke Nakamura and Akira Tozawa accompanied Tajiri to the airport for his flight back to Japan, as he leaves WWE for the second time, this week.

UK delay:

The 10 episode run of World Of Sport was due to be taped next month in Manchester, but has been delayed. New dates will be announced next week.

Pete Dunne:

WWE UK star Pete Dunne used a child as a weapon this week. He picked a young boy up from his seat in the crowd and used his body to dropkick his opponent from a chair, then swung him onto his shoulders and made as if to throw him back into the crowd, but instead sat him on his shoulder and paraded him around, while the other fans cheered him.

Hall Of Famer picks:

Bruno Sammartino named the NFL draft picks for his local team this week.

Alum recalls Mania misery:

Bill DeMott has recalled his Mania debut. He says an in ring angle was planned at WrestleMania 17 in 2001, where, before he wrestled his father, Shane McMahon was to bring the WCW roster into the ring. However, one of the stars that had been flown into Texas for the spot, Shawn Stasiak, told a reporter every one of the 10 stars that were there, before they made the trip, and it was all over the dirt sheets by Mania day. This angered WWE to the point they fired all 10, as Stasiak would not take the blame, and instead of them being in the ring, they were shoved in a sky box, and only got a brief mention on air. They were also not allowed into the locker rooms...

"We debuted in the SkyBox, the darkened out SkyBox in the Houston Astrodome. I think it was Houston. There was 10 of us who got called when the buyout happened, I tell this story all the time, Shawn Stasiak still gets mad at me for telling it but I know in his mind he didn't do something wrong, but the night before we were supposed to debut in the ring with Shane McMahon at Wrestlemania, one of us did an interview and gave all the names away, and we got fired that morning. John Laurinaitis called my room and said 'what the hell is going on?' We all got fired. But they decided to flew us out there so they took us in the back alley, we walked up the stairs in the Houston SkyBox, Shane stood in the ring alone and said there are my people. We were all pissed off and just sat there with cheese and crackers while everybody else had martinis and filet mignon. There was no beer. If there was one beer to be had, I think Sean O'Haire was gonna beat somebody's ass. That was my Wrestlemania moment."

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