Friday, April 14, 2017

Today's News

Xavier in game:

Xavier Woods has done voice acting for an upcoming video game.

WWE old boys talk JBL bullying:

Mr. Anderson...

''I read something where he told Justin Roberts to go kill himself, everyday. He would say stuff like that, but the minute somebody would fire back at him, or just no-sell it, [they'll] be fine. He wouldn't keep hammering... I'm not saying that his way is right, but people are really, really sensitive nowadays for that reason. Paul Heyman told me this story about how JBL was needling Edge on a bus, overseas. Edge was pretty new to the company, and JBL kept needling him. JBL had a beer in his hand, Edge just stood up, and swatted the beer out of his hand, and said 'Let's go right now. I'm sick of it.' From that point on, JBL said 'Oh calm down, sweetheart.' Everything was smoothed over, and he didn't mess with him again. John Morrison stood up to him one night. JBL didn't like the way him and Miz had sold at the end of their match. They hadn't celebrated enough, and Johnny basically just snapped on him, and told him to mind his own business. They almost went at it."


"Whenever I hear about John being a bully to whoever, and the specific names that come out, it's because the person he was quote-unquote bullying was trying so hard to get over with him. Like, dude, not everybody is gonna like you. Maybe John doesn't like you, you don't have to prove a point and defend yourself. If he says you're a dork and he hates you, you don't have to prove to him that you're not a dork and he should like you. Just let it go. (Like, with me) John came backstage and just picked me as his target. A bunch of people weren't watching his match, and he goes, 'Shawn Daivari doesn't need to watch the main event! Shawn Daivari knows everything about everything in wrestling! Shawn doesn't have to watch the main event! He's good, he's got it!' And I said, 'No. You've been doing the same match 17 nights in a row. I can call every single move you did, I can tell you exactly what happened, I can tell you what heat you did to the crowd to get them involved, I've seen it! No, I don't need to watch it tonight!'"

Why Roman stayed red:

WWE decided not to move Roman Reigns from Raw as it would have meant having to switch Braun Strowman and Brock Lesnar too. Roman and Braun's feud is to build into Braun moving on to challenge Brock Lesnar for the Universal title over the summer.

Buyout dead:

WWE's buyout of ROH is now said to be dead, although the two sides are still talking about the promotions tape library.

David Otunga:

Booker T will join the Raw announce team in David Otunga's place.

Sheamus talks now vs then:

"The level of athleticism has evolved so much since we watched as kids. The athletes that WWE has now are far superior to anything that we had the 1980s or the 1990s. You look back at the Attitude Era and the level of entertainment we put in the ring now. The Attitude Era doesn't even come close. I'm not afraid to say that either. You watch some of the stuff Cesaro does in the ring; with his size, the way he moves around the ring, the moves he hits, the way he picks up guys twice his size. It's just a different level."

WWE paying hush money:

Dave Meltzer has claimed that WWE are paying Mauro Ranallo to keep his issues with JBL out of the public domain.

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee's book has made it into the New York Times best sellers list.

WWE commemoration:

WWE have released a line of New Day themed Tag title replica belts, to mark their record reigns. They have already sold out, and more have been commissioned.

Big E side-gig:

Big E has become ordained as a wedding officiator, and will marry his first clients this weekend in LA.

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