Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Today's News

Not tough enough:

WWE have cleared a couple of PC students off their books in the past couple of days, most notably Josh, who was one of the two winners of the last series of Tough Enough. Both champions have now apparently been cut, however there are conflicting reports about him. The company also confirmed that Andrea DiMarco, who was taken off their official roster earlier this month, has also left their employ.

Backstage incident:

A row at last nights Impact left long term staffer Bob Ryder out in the cold. Karen Jarrett was furious about a mistake in the booking of her hotel room and Jeff Jarrett demanded that he leave the building. He is though still employed by the promotion, despite many reports to the contrary.


Breezango have earned a shot at The Uso's Tag gold for Backlash. Jinder Mahal stole the WWE gold and Baron Corbin was suspended last night.

ROH make WWE change:

WWE have informed Crazzy Steve of Impact and Kyle O'Reilly and Lio Rush, amongst others, that they will not be offered WWE contracts until 90 days after their departure date from their previous employer. This is because ROH recently sent them a cease and desist letter, demanding they stop entering into contract talks with their talent.


Rusev may return at Money In The Bank. He said on TV last night that he did not agree with being moved from Raw, and would not compete for SmackDown, unless they give him a World title shot at MITB later this summer.


Noam Dar returned from injury last night.

HOF auto wreck:

Ric Flair's fiance Fifi The Maid has been involved in an auto wreck, and is in hospital.

Jeff Hardy:

Despite an 8 year break from WWE Jeff Hardy is still one strike from being fired. His two strikes for wellness fails in the past still stand, and a third would mean instant dismissal. He has however reportedly been offered the chance to have one taken away, by entering into the WWE redemption programme. This would mean he would need to subject himself to many more random drugs checks than the usual, but, if he can stay clean for 18 months one of his two fails would be removed from his record.

Bram sent home:

Impact star Bram has been suspended by Pro Wrestling NOAH after posting a picture of himself lying in a supermarket cold storage freezer.


WWE have won a webby award for their WrestleMania social media coverage.

Renee reveals how wedding to Dean Ambrose happened:

"We were going to bed! We were going to bed and he like busted out the ring and we were like, 'Oh man I guess we should do this now.' So we ended up going on Yelp and we found a 24-hour pastor to come to our backyard. It was so handy and his name was Pastor Pete and he lived around the corner from us, so he was there. They were very concerned by the way because it was 1 o'clock in the morning, so technically it was Sunday and they were very concerned about us calling, they were like, 'Is everything OK? Have you guys been drinking? What's happening?' We're like, 'It's fine, you can come down.' So we had to get a witness and we called and woke up a friend of ours and got it done."

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