Sunday, April 23, 2017

Today's News

I'm not done:

Sexy Star says she is not retired...

"I never said that in any interview that I gave. I think it was a misunderstanding on the media's behalf. When it happens that I present myself unmasked and make my real name known, it's because I have a dream that I am fighting for and want to accomplish. If God allows it, it will happen on the 22nd of April, to be able to box. I never said at any moment, some media outlet around there were the ones that mentioned or reported that 'Sexy Star leaves the mask for the gloves' or something like that. That was what led to the confusion, because I never made the comment that I was going to leave wrestling.Yes, I had to get away from it a little and I've been on only a few shows. I thank all the promoters and people that have called from companies that have wanted to take me to their country. I just haven't been able to, because I've been focusing on my boxing training. I have had only a few appearances for wrestling because those were dates I had already agreed to work from a long while back and I decided to fulfill those, because I don't like to take back what I had agreed on. But all that talk about me going to retire? No. I think wrestling saved my life. I owe it everything. I can say that the ring is my life. It is not my house. It is my life. Right now I don't feel any motive to do it. I made a comment about it in an interview, that if I'm in boxing - a sport that demands a very strong physical preparation - then I think that my body is ready for the day that I return to wrestling and it will be with no problem."

Angle regrets leaving WWE:

"I had some regrets, because I was just starting to get good when I quit WWE in 2006. I was just starting to come into my own, where I was- not that I didn't have incredible matches there, I did, from 2001 to 2006, but I started really becoming a 'seasoned veteran' six years into my career and that was right around 2006. So, I had a better career in TNA, unfortunately most of the WWE Universe will never see those matches, but at the same time, I'm really happy that I had that kind of impact in six and half years in WWE, where they induct me into the Hall of Fame 11 years later."

Legend leaves:

Tajiri has gone back to Japan. He says WWE decided they could not let him return to the ring after injuring his knee, so he decided to resign. He had been, and says enjoyed, working at the PC for four months.

Four score Cena:

John Cena is celebrating his 40th birthday.

Swagger on tour:

Jack Swagger is in Australia with HOH.

Big E:

Big E is marrying people again this weekend.

The Bunny:

Adam Rose has revealed the original plan for The Bunny...

"We were in a meeting for two hours before Raw, saying 'Who is going to be The Bunny?' and they couldn't decide. I wanted Gabriel to do it, he was my friend from when I was 15 and he was 16, his Dad trained me and we've known each other our whole lives. 'Let him do it,' they were like 'Well, nobody really knows him anymore and they won't really get the reaction they want.' Then there was a suggestion of Vince McMahon do it, and I was like 'What's the payoff? I don't get it' and they're like 'Well, we don't really know where to go, so why not just have crazy billionaire just do it?'"

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