Friday, April 28, 2017

Today's News

Christopher Daniels says WWE chances are gone:

"I don't think so man. Honestly, I'm sure the WWE's not looking for 47-year old rookies and that's fine with me. The timing of my career worked out where when I might have been interesting to them, were times that I was under contract with TNA or Ring of Honor and that's fine with me. I'm happy to build up Ring of Honor as best I can."

Sting talks career regret:

"I regret not being able to get in the ring with Taker one time. It would have been great.''

Cody chooses new home:

Cody Rhodes is set to sign an exclusive deal with ROH.


Mick Foley shows off his new scar... and an idea for some ink.

WWE ready to talk:

WWE are reportedly planning on entering into talks with Mauro Ranallo. They hope to get him to reconsider his departure, and want him back at work.

Cody reveals why he quit:

Cody Rhodes has revealed a creative idea by Road Dogg Jesse James that he was set to do last summer, but it was pulled at the last minute, and led to him making an admittedly emotional decision to walk away. Road Dogg had suggested that he play a split personality, separated by the brands. He would have played the Stardust gimmick on the blue show, and revert to Cody Rhodes on Raw.

Young recalls lying to legend:

Darren Young says he lied about his sexuality to Mark Henry in his early days in WWE...

"When I first came up on the roster I had I had hair like Enzo kind of it was spiky and stuff like that. So, Mark Henry, you know how he is. He's just sitting there in the locker and he's like, and this is a couple months on the road and he's like,"Boy" and he's long winded. "Boy why you got your hair like that?" Again I can say this story because he's going to be putting this in his book so I told him, "Hey when I have an opportunity to tell this story I'm going to tell it because I don't want to at first offend him but he's okay with it so again he's sitting there, "Boy why you got your hair like that?" I said, "Mark, Mark I'm just trying to be different. I'm just trying to stand out." "Well you know it makes you look gay." And this was before I came out so I'm just stuttering like I am now. Mark, I'm just trying to be different man you know. Fast-forward to when I like came out. The morning I came out he called me, this was in LA at the hotel, he called me and said, "Come down to the green room." This was during SummerSlam… I went down to the green room and he gave me the biggest hug and he was like, "Man how come you didn't tell me?" I was like, "Mark I didn't tell nobody. You know how hard it is for me." And Mark said you know in his book when he writes a book… one of the chapters is going to be about me and the caption is going to be, Insert foot in mouth."

Goodness gracious, PPV changed:

WWE have dropped plans to bring back Bad Blood, and will instead debut a new PPV this summer, entitled Great Balls Of Fire. Brock Lesnar will have his first Universal title defense at the show.

Family feud:

Paige's father and husband, Alberto Del Rio, will wrestle each other in the UK next month.

Diva in hack:

Alexa Bliss says nude images of her on the internet are ''Bogus'' and have been digitally fooled with to make them look like her.

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