Saturday, April 8, 2017

Today's News

Foley remembers HIAC:

"I told a couple of the biggest lies of my life that day. I said, 'hey, what if I came off the top?' and Vince replied, 'absolutely not.' And I went into sell mode and I said, 'well, if I was going to drop an elbow off there and somebody's going to move, you'd probably let me do that, right?'. It's leading questions and he goes, 'I guess.' 'Well, it's the same thing. I'm in total control.' If I could've thought of a way to climb back down without destroying my career, I would've done it. People have speculated that I knew the cage was going to break the second time. And the truth is, that's way too dangerous! To go into the cage from a chokeslam like that is… Yeah, yeah, it was supposed to tear. Vince came up to me after the show and he said, and I do remember this, he said, 'you have no idea how much I appreciate what you've just done for this company, but I never want to see anything like that again. And I think that's pretty telling. Vince, I think, gets a bad rap for… I honestly believe I would be in far worse shape if a) I'd been allowed to do what I wanted to do and b) and he hadn't that day, 'I'm going to place a governor on you.'"

ROH land star:

ROH have signed former CZW champion Jonathan Gresham to a full time deal.

Lied about, or liar?:

WWE Alum John Morrison says JBL lied yesterday. He says Bradshaw asked him and Joey Mercury to steal Justin Roberts passport on a plane. JBL had called Roberts a liar when he talked about the incident earlier in the week.

Mauro Ranallo also tweeted a subtle dig at him, saying the truth cannot be hidden.

Jinder Mahal:

Jinder Mahal has angrily denied using steroids to get his new physique.

Ranallo done with WWE?:

Mauro Ranallo has removed all mention of WWE from his social media profiles.

Hall Of Famer freed:

Sunny is out of jail and living in a sober house, with help from WWE for the pricey fees.

ESPN drop WWE:

Coach says he will no longer report on WWE on his ESPN show. He says he has a new big project coming up, and will not have time to spend on it.

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