Friday, April 21, 2017

Today's News

WWE on TV:

Chris Jericho will be on 'Animal Planet' tonight.

Impact comings and goings:

Crazzy Steve left Impact last night, ending three years with the group, but others returned, including Low Ki, who debuted a gimmick similar to video game character 'Hitman.'

Reigns goes home:

No member of the Samoan dynasty, including Roman Reigns, will work this weekend. A memorial service for the recently deceased Rosey will be held in Florida.

Scary incident in Japan:

Vader collapsed into unconsciousness in the ring after a match in Japan last night. He blamed a bang on the head for the incident, not his heart issues.

Austin talks WWE heat:

Steve Austin has angrily shot down rumours he has heat with WWE...

"Jesus Christ, I just can't be at every single WrestleMania. I had a lot of personal stuff going on, and good stuff and professional stuff I was trying to take care of when all that WrestleMania stuff went down. I got an invite from WWE to be there. We never talked about me being a part of the show, just as far as being there for Hall Of Fame, an event that I really enjoy, but all of a sudden all of this because I wasn't there, because I had a busy schedule, there are all these reports that I'm at odds with the company when it couldn't be further from the truth. I'm fine with the company. I had a bunch of s--t I had to take care of, bottom line."

Career over:

Dave Meltzer claims to have received conformation from WWE sources that Paige will not be brought back after her injury because of ''Everything that has happened'' including two drugs bans, the sex tapes, Alberto Del Rio's anti WWE rants, her family threatening legal action, and on, and on. He however says there is one chance she will save her career, and it will depend on The Rock's film of her family. If it sells well, she will likely be kept around to play off the success, if it tanks, she will sink with it.

Title shot pulled:

Bray Wyatt's shot at Randy Orton's WWE title at Payback is seemingly now a non-title match, after Bray switched shows. All reference to the gold being on the line has been removed from advertising.

Impact land ''Major name'':

WWE Alum Evan Bourne is reportedly set to debut with Impact tonight.

Legend in surgery:

The Sandman has had surgery on a hernia.

Rock spins off:

The Rock is in talks to take his role in the 'Fast' franchise into a new series of films following his character. Jason Statham will also be involved in the new series.

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