Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Today's News

Orton unhappy:

Randy Orton was unhappy with his entrance at WrestleMania, and says he is tired of getting screwed out of them. He wants an elaborate, HHH style, Mania moment, and input in to what that will entail.

Campaigns started:

An online campaign has started to have WWE fire JBL over the recent bullying furore. A second UFC fighter has called JBL out for his treatment of Mauro Ranallo.

There is also a petition to have Braun Strowman fired for his spot with the ambulance this week.

Miz confirms the 'Talking Smack' meltdown was not scripted:

"You guys are getting an exclusive here, I don't think I've ever told this. So here was my day up to that point: I wasn't written on the episode that day and I'm the Intercontinental champion. This is the title that I've loved since I was a child, and I don't want to be the guy who says, 'I'm going to make it great,' and then not do anything. I want to make it great. So I told them to put me on 'Talking Smack.' They asked, 'Well what are you going to do?' And I said I'm going to rip into Daniel Bryan. And then I guess I kind of went overboard. And when I go, I have no filter. It's everything that is fueling inside of me and I just black out.' He actually left. I didn't expect him to leave — I expected him to hit me. The things I was laying in to him on were very below the belt and very mean and very rude, but when I go, I just go."

Superstar shake-up:

The US title is moving to SmackDown. Current champion Kevin Owens made the switch yesterday, but, if he loses his title to Chris Jericho, could go back to Raw, with Y2J making the jump to the blue show instead.

Sami Zayn, Jinder Mahal, Shining Stars, Charlotte, Tamina, Sin Cara, New Day, Rusev and Lana also made the jump.


Finn Balor is injured. He suffered a concussion following a stiff elbow by Jinder Mahal on Raw. Jinder is getting tons of heat on social media for the botch. No word on a return date as yet.

US title:

AJ Styles has earned the first shot at the US title on SmackDown, after KO and Y2J finish their feud.

Fan incident:

A fan was ejected from SmackDown last night. He had a sign reading ''JBL bullied me.'' Fans also jumped on board with the online campaign, chanting ''Fire JBL'' throughout the show.

WWE wedding:

Dean Ambrose and Renee Young were wearing wedding rings on WWE TV this week.

SD guests:

Tyson Kidd and Chris Nowinski were backstage at last nights TV's.

Heat on Paige:

Paige is getting grief on Twitter for having a Donald Trump calendar in her house, so she revealed it was a satirical anti-Trump calendar. That led to her getting heat for not being a Trump fan.

WWE vs TSA 2:

For the second time this week a WWE star feels hard done by, by TSA. This time Lana, who says she was ''Violated'' in Boston.

SmackDown delay:

Canadian fans will have to wait an extra 24 hours for their next taste of SD. The show has been bumped back a day to accommodate an NHL game next week.

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