Thursday, April 27, 2017

Today's News

Charlotte makes history:

Charlotte became the first woman to main event PPV and both flagship TV shows for WWE this week.

Curtis goes to school:

Curtis Axel read a book to his son's school class today.

Orton talks landmark:

Randy Orton has done a sit down interview with WWE's website to mark 15 years as a WWE star...

''How does it feel? It feels like, "Where did the time go?" to be honest. I've been around a long time, and it seemed for the longest time like I was the young guy. Now, all of a sudden, I've got fans with beards telling me, "I used to watch you when I was a kid." So, I don't know what happened to all those years, man, but the little bit I do remember? It was definitely a fun ride. I've always been kind of the same guy. Whether I was The Legend Killer, The Viper, The Apex Predator, nothing's really changed. When I look at [Superstars] who've had 10 different personas … it's amazing to me. These guys are very talented that they're able to do that. Would I be able to do that? I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. But I think the fact that I've never really had to change is a testament to what my persona is on the show. Whether you're sick of it or love it, you know what you're gonna get with me. Youngest champ; I think I've won more Survivor Series Matches than anything else, maybe I'm tied with Ultimate Warrior; won two Royal Rumbles; won Money in the Bank; I've main-evented WrestleMania; I've wrestled in 13 WrestleManias — those are all up there. I've stolen the show numerous times. I've wrestled in Seoul, I've wrestled in Auckland, New Zealand. There's not one thing, there's a bunch of things.''

WWE sign deal:

WWE have signed a new TV deal in the Philippines.

Alum enters bullying debate:

Pete Gas is the latest star to discuss the JBL media storm...

"I remember being at my house with my girlfriend and we were sleeping at like 12:30 at night and my phone rings and it's JBL. He was in town doing some stuff for the studio and he was down at the bar and when I answered the phone I thought I was dreaming. He goes, 'Come on down to the bar you son of a b---h and have a drink with me.' He's just that type of guy and that's his personality, but in no way, shape or form do I feel like he's a bully. If people don't understand his personality and that's where he can come across as a bully, but he really isn't. He's a guy that likes to have fun and is loud. He's a big guy and very intimidating size wise, but it's all about having a good time. Sometimes like I said, people were brought up differently and just don't get it. Bullying to me is you just ride someone so much and you're mean to them and you are nasty. You make the person feel like absolute s--t. Whether it's Mauro or whoever made those comments and felt like they were bullied, their interpretation could be a lot less severe. Their line is not in the same spot. I'm not wording it properly, but the bottom line is the guys not a f--king bully at all."

WWE on TV:

Eva Marie and Shaq will compete against each other on 'Celebrity Showdown' tonight.

Vince gains control:

Vince McMahon has accepted that a movie of his life is going to be made, but has secured the right to give the final OK to the script.

Hardyz sign off:

The Hardy Boyz will be working their final indie gig this weekend.

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