Saturday, April 15, 2017

Today's News

Raven says WCW botched Goldberg:

"I think the problem with the run of Goldberg at the end, wasn't that the matches weren't longer, but was that they beat him. Ya know? They never should have beat him, he had the whole company on his back. I mean, I think that was a purely ego-driven decision and it wasn't based on business...I would have definitely kept him undefeated a lot longer. I think the mindset was - besides being slightly ego-driven - was the fact that, 'Well, we have to beat him, it'll be to give him sympathy,' but it just wasn't time for it yet. I mean, he was a unique thing that didn't apply to the rules, he was an exception, and sometimes that's why there are exceptions to rules."


New Japan's US debut shows this summer have sold out their tickets for both shows in under two hours.

Mauro returns to work:

Mauro Ranallo is in Japan to call an MMA event.

Clean cut KO:

The reason Kevin Owens has smartened himself this week is he renewed his vows with his wife. They are now on their honeymoon.

Angle talks why Reigns is hated:

"I love him. The issue with Roman is he was utilized and pushed way too fast. When you skip the U.S. Title, Intercontinental Title, the King of the Ring and go right to the top, fans don't like that. … Half the fans love him; half the fans hate him. Same with Cena. When Cena came in, Vince pushed the hell out of him and fans were like, 'Gosh, dang. This guy's invincible. I hate him!' … If Vince waits it out a bit, fans will start to accept Roman, and if they don't, then turn him heel."

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