Thursday, April 20, 2017

Today's News

NXT injuries:

Drew McIntyre (bust open) and Ember Moon were injured during last nights NXT taping. Ember so badly that a battle royal she had just been eliminated from had to be stopped so she could receive medical help. She was thrown from the top of the ropes and crashed down onto the guard rail, smashing her shoulder as she hit the barrier. She was in pain and in tears at ringside.

Cody looking for new home:

Cody Rhodes says he has had fun roaming the world on the indie scene, but is now looking to settle down with a single promotion. He also says he forgives WWE for taking his surname off him.

NXT - Chicago:

The number one contenders to the NXT championships were decided at the NXT taping last night. The results will play out over the next few weeks of the show, so I will not name the winners, for SPOILER!!! reasons, but I will tell you that the Tag match will be a ladder match and that the women left in the ring when the battle royal was stopped will compete for the title in a multi woman bout.

TNA to make impact with NXT:

Rosita will make her debut as an official NXT star in the coming weeks. Her appearance taped last night.

Booker T talks JBL / Ranallo feud:

Booker T has spoken out about fans trying to get JBL fired over the bullying issue between Bradshaw and Mauro Ranallo. He is not happy with them, Ranallo, his friends, or that the story made it into the public...

"Right now, the backlash towards a friend of mine, a colleague, 'JBL' John 'Bradshaw' Layfield, a guy that I have been knowing for 25 years… Man, it's crazy. I don't know if you saw SmackDown just last week, the chants were, 'fire JBL' and that right there, this flashmob takeover from the fans sometimes, getting into the business side because of social media now and everybody knows everything the wrestling fans have never been so close to the business than they are right now in 2017 and I'll tell you it's a good thing. It's a great thing because, as sports entertainers, we need our fans. We do. We definitely need our fans, but as far as the hashtag, #FireJBL, I'm like, it should go away. We should move on. Men fight! That's what we do! A lot of people like Ranallo. A lot of people really and truly like what he does as a journalist, what he does as a commentator for New Japan for many years, what he does for Showtime Boxing, Strikeforce. He has done it all. He has been around for a long time and, like I said, a lot of people love him. But the business, the wrestling business is different from any other entity that you are ever going to encounter on this Earth! I think Mauro, and I say again, I like Mauro even though he blocked me or unfollowed me on Twitter. I mean, I didn't do anything. Do you know what I mean? We talked boxing all the time, but Mauro obviously had a problem with JBL and the way they did their work. Now, JBL is what is called a heel commentator. That's just something we do and that's something that has been done since the beginning of time. It's going to go on throughout the history of professional wrestling. One guy's going to be for the good guy. One guy's going to be for the bad guy. Or just vice versa. It's just part of the game. I'm going to be straight up as far as this 'bullying' term. Let's take that bullying term and put it back in preschool and our junior high schools and our high schools. When you're out of high school, I think the bullying rule stops. Do you know what I mean? I think the bullying rule pretty much goes away when you're a grown man and you're able to take up for yourself and throw hands or go and talk to someone and say, 'hey, I don't feel like I'm being treated right with this commentator here. Maybe you need to move me somewhere else and put me on another show. Otherwise there could be problems therefore ramifications.' But I don't think the bullying rule falls under grown men having an issue with each other. Look, I've been in the business 26 years and I have yet to have been bullied by anybody. I'm going to tell you right now, I was around The Steiner Brothers; I was running Nasty Boys. 'Flyin' Brian Pillman, one of the most notorious ribbers I've ever seen in the business, God rest his soul, if Brian Pillman would have ribbed me, I would have beat the hell out of him. You'd still be hearing about that beating. People would still be talking about the beating Booker T gave Brian Pillman. When something is done on television in front of the world, it's open season. And we're talking about bullying right now. If it's something that's done in the back, if I'm being disrespected there, I feel like it should be handled a little bit different as opposed to going on social media and talking about it. That's first and foremost to me is it something that should be public to the public? I mean, if you worked at McDonalds and you [were] mad because you [were] on the fries and you wanted to be doing the burgers, are you going to go on social media and say, 'boss ain't letting me go over and do the patties, man. I want to advance now. I want to do patties.' Are you going to go on social media and talk about that?"

He then blasted MMA fighters for threatening violence against JBL...

"Childish. That's exactly what it is. It's childish. It boggles my mind as far as people going to Twitter and social media as their first line of defense. What are the true facts as far as this saga goes? I mean, who's right and who's wrong in a situation like this? There are two sides to every story and we've got to look at it that way I think it is locker room talk and that's where it should end. As far as social media, as far as JBL/Mauro Ranallo, who was wrong? I don't know if anybody was wrong or right in this situation, but I hope it gets resolved and I hope that it gets resolved very, very soon."

Cornette says he does not hate KO / Zayn:

But you wouldn't think so given his choice of language...

"Once again everyone said that Cornette must be hanging himself in his closet and slitting his wrist because they are so successful. Which is ridiculous. Kevin Steen and El Generico were both pains in the asses to deal with. It was the 80/20 principle where you spend 80% of your time dealing with 20% of your talent's problems. Part of it is that they are French Canadian and I'm sorry but French Canadians in wrestling have always been pains in the ass except for Pat Patterson. But part of it was we are paying them to play professional athletes on television so Steen, we'd like you to lose some weight, f*cking buy some new clothes and f*cking trim your beard up and look a little neater. El Generico a television company has just bought the promotion you work for so we'd like you to be able to do interviews instead of being a mute and we'd like you to take the God damn mask off, I didn't even broach that with him because OH MY GOD it would have been like I sodomized his f*cking mother if I would have said take the mask off. But you've got a French Canadian Muslim with red hair trying to play a Luchador and nobody understood it."

He does though, really hate, Kenny Omega...

''They've (KO / Zayn) never embarrassed the business by beating up grade school children or having matches with blow up dolls. Kenny Omega, I don't care if he discovers the cure for cancer in his spare time, brings Lou Thesz back from the grave and stretches him in a shoot..he is still a piece of sh*t that should never be in the business because he had matches with nine year old girls and blow up dolls. I don't care how good he is. I don't have any time for him, don't want to look at him, don't want to hear about him and if I had complete control over pro wrestling I would have Dan Severn go and beat the f*ck out of him and leave him laying in a f*cking ditch.''

Young Bucks blame TNA (Impact) for Hardyz going to WWE:

The Young Bucks have revealed their feud with Hardyz for ROH was set to go into the summer, but the Impact lawsuit to stop them using the broken gimmicks meant ROH felt they had to kill it early, leaving the extreme brothers free for the Mania returns they made at the start of this month.

Next top star:

WWE are set to push Baron Corbin to the stars this year. Officials have more faith in him moving up to be the top heel in the company than Braun Strowman on Raw. They are working on new music, new gear, and a bit of a re-package.

Foley has op:

Mick Foley has finally had his hip replacement surgery.


Chyna's movie has been completed. Here is the trailer for the film that was being recorded at the time of her death this time last year...

The film will be released later this summer.

Simon Gotch talks release / backstage incident:

On release...

"They brought it to me and I agreed. It was one of those things where I was unhappy, and they basically felt like the character had run its course. I said I agreed, and they said they wanted to exercise the termination clause in my contract. I agreed with that as well and we went from there. This wasn't exactly an unwanted thing on my part. I wasn't happy, and I actually felt that was the best move. In any situation, sometimes if you see the opportunity, you take it."

On backstage incident...

"The actual story is that it happened at WrestleMania. I was sitting in catering and the chair I was in was kinda flimsy. I go to shift in it and it just collapses underneath me. Being a ham, my immediate reaction was to demand someone pin me. 'Someone pin me quick.' The guy who comes over, I think he works for us. I didn't realize he was a local technician and was not a WWE technician. He was someone who worked on the set at 'Mania. He came to help me up and I'm like, 'Nope, you gotta pin me. C'mon, man.' And he's not going along with the bit. He thinks I just fell and he's trying to help me. I see the bit's going nowhere so I take the chair and I just kick it off to the side, drop it like a little punt and let it lay where it lands. That was it. I saw the story online, saying that I fell in the chair and made this big scene and was yelling and screaming. No part of that is accurate."

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