Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Today's News

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Bray Wyatt vs Erick Rowan...

* Big Show vs Ryback...

* Los Matadores vs Masters Of The WWE Universe...

* The Ascension vs Two Jobbers...

* Adam Rose & Gold/StarDust vs R-Truth & The Uso's...

* Roman Reigns vs Rusev...


Jarrett on TNA departure:

Jeff Jarrett concedes everything was far from rosy when he left TNA, but says there was no explosion that led to him leaving, he just came to realise his time there was over, and it was time for him to quit.

Roman Reigns:

Roman Reigns has stated his life could have ended earlier this year, after he ignored the pain from his hernia for far too long, and admitted he was shocked when WWE split The Shield, as they had much more for them to do.

He also played down talk of 2015 being his breakout year, saying he wants to be the best, but is prepared to wait, should he have to.

Brie on Bryan:

Brie Bella says she and her husband Daniel Bryan talked about his future after he was cleared for a WWE return, as they are worried about his neck, but that she trusts that he knows his own body, and supports his choice to come back.

E&C sue WWE:

Edge and Christian will sue WWE and The Authority for what happened on Raw, they say it will be a multi million dollar writ.

First time ever:

WWE release a video of 5 things that happened for the first time in 2014...

UK fans charged extra:

Sky Sports have announced a £5.00 addition to the price of PPV's from Royal Rumble 2015, from £14.95 to £19.95.

WWE guests:

Maryse, and rock star Paul Stanley were at this weeks TV's.

Curtis Axel:

Curtis Axel will drop down into NXT next year, to be the star attraction, taking over from Tyson Kidd, who will appear more regularly on WWE TV.


WWE are re-working some ''Top'' matches for next years Mania. Possibly a clue to Mr. Lesnar's future?.


WWE had Ryback cut a personal promo on Raw, because they want fans to buy into him more ''On an emotional level''.

TNA sign another veteran:

Abyss has put pen to paper on a new deal.

WWE game news:

John Cena, Brock Lesnar and The Rock have been named in the WWE / super hero cross over game ''Immortals''. Also no new DLC packs will be released for 2K15.

Orton in surgery:

Randy Orton is having surgery on his nose, a minor procedure, but enough to keep him from returning on Raw this week.

WWE sign indy star:

Uhaa Nation has now reportedly signed his WWE deal.

WWE re-work contracts:

After being stung by CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio, WWE have added a clause to talent contracts stating that, should a star be fired, as both the aforementioned men were, they would lose all rights to royalties and merchandising as a result.

WWE Alum banned:

Psicosis has been banned from competing in Mexico, after hitting a security guard during a brawl over the weekend.


Matt Riddle is impressing coaches at the Monster Factory, as he trains for a wrestling career.

Kevin Nash:

Kevin Nash was the first victim of the WWE's new morality clause, he lost his WWE legends deal after being involved in a domestic incident.

Royal Rumble SPOILERS!!!:

Despite the huge news about Daniel Bryan's WWE return, sources within WWE creative say that plans have not changed, and Roman Reigns will still win the Rumble match, and go on to WrestleMania. That could of course change.

WWE ask for time:

WWE have asked for more than the 30 days they were granted to respond to the lawsuit filed against them by Billy Jack Haynes.

Signing off...

Here is my moment of 2014 (What was yours)... Thanks for another year supporting the pages, It's been fun doing them..., hope the new year treats you all better than this one did, take care of yourselves, and each other...



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