Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Today's News

Hey, hope you are enjoying your festive season...

King Kong Bundy:

Bundy has slammed two HOF'er's as terrible, and says he refuses to call WWE by their current name...

"I can't say WWE. To admit that an organization that I was associated with got b---hslapped by the World Wildlife Fund..."

On what he did in between his WWE runs...

"I did a computer commercial in late 87. It ran for two years. For three years, I worked for the computer company. The other years I bought a bar - that didn't work out. I spent a lot of money. I gambled a lot. I did a computer commercial. It was a Dutch company called BenDex. It was a Dutch company that did $6 billion in sales. I do the commercial. All of a sudden, I got full page ads in USA Today, Time, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated. I hoped Vince wouldn't find out about it. Needless to say, Vince found out about it big time. Ever since that day, and I've been told this and never revealed this, 'that was the kiss of death to your career'. I say 'To hell with Vince McMahon'".

Negative views of Hall Of Famers...

Andre The Giant...

"You really want to know? Absolutely miserable. Andre The Giant was not a nice man..."

On Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels...

"... The advent on the downfall of this business was champions like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Horrible world champions. Did not look like grown men in my opinion. I read Bret's book. Wow. You cannot pick up a page without being amazed at how this man's ego was out of control. Bret wrote in his book I called him 'little man'. I always called him the 'little hitter' because he looked like a little kid in the ring. I come back six years later and he's the world champion... Total piece of sh**, Bret Hart. I used to be friends with Bret. I stayed at his house one time back in the day."

On his own HOF chances...

"I haven't spoke to Vince McMahon since I left there in 1994."

He didn't leave in 94, it was the summer of 95.

Nash Christmas rumble:

Kevin Nash and his Son Tristan spent today in jail after a drunken fight between Father and Son. Police were called at midnight last night to the disturbance at their home, where allegedly they found that Tristan had assaulted his Mum, and Nash had reacted physically to the situation, The younger man fought back, and a bloody brawl ensued. Both men have been charged with assault and battery, and are now in prison with no bond.

Tristan's version of events goes like this... The fight started when Nash was teasing the 18 year old, after his girlfriend had broken up with him, the younger man grew angry and elbowed his dad in the face and spat on him, Nash slammed him to the floor, and Tristan scratched at his face, before Nash chokeslammed him and knocked him out, Tristan says his Dad was the primary aggressor. He also says he was arrested later because his Mum called the police accusing him of throwing her around the kitchen.

Before this, Nash told ABC that he works as a scout for Triple H, and is always badgering him on social media to look at guys that impress him on his travels of the indy circuit.

Jarrett defends AJ Styles:

Jeff Jarrett says people should blame others for getting injured in matches with AJ Styles, not Styles himself...

"I want to have all due respect to guys that have been injured but I've heard that and I just have to laugh. Actually, I laughed. This business, as Jim Ross says, 'it ain't ballet.' But you need to learn how to protect yourself and if you can't protect yourself, either A get out of the business or B don't take it. Don't put it on AJ. Back in the asylum, Frankie Kazarian took it wrong and I know that the nature of our business is the tuck your chin to protect your neck. On this, know going in, focus and know, if AJ can be in this predicament. You know what to do. I put it on the performer, not on AJ. Not even close. It's ridiculous, in my opinion, for someone to say, 'AJ, that move needs to be banned.' He's done it for 12 years and, if a guy can't protect himself, it's not AJ's fault."

Two men, one of which was Yoshi Tatsu, have suffered broken necks this year in matches with AJ.

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