Sunday, December 21, 2014

Today's News

Hall Of Famer injured:

Tully Blanchard tore his bicep at an indy show this weekend. He ran to the ring to help his Daughter Tessa, and threw a dropkick, but landed badly.

TNA man's contract controversy:

Quinton Jackson has signed a UFC contract, despite having an exclusive deal with their rivals Bellator, Bellator are threatening to hit him and UFC with all they have got, and are furious with the former TNA man.

WWE star returns:

Darren Young wrestled his first mach since WrestleMania 30's Battle Royal, in Canada over the weekend.


Cal Bishop was hurt at last nights live event, and Hideo Itami (Kenta) has been given a weekly column on WWE.Com/Japan, also Sami Zayn has been told he will not be brought back until the new year, to sell his injuries.

I'd rather pay:

WWE have announced 100,000 people chose to buy Survivor Series on PPV, rather than accept the event for free, as part of the WWE Network free month.


The Rotunda Family wishing troops a merry Christmas.

Bo Rotunda is penciled in to return in the Royal Rumble match, he is currently nursing a foot injury.

Jim Ross vs IWC:

JR has taken offence to sites reporting his comments, from his weekly blog, in particular referencing comments he made about Roman Reigns recently...

"Some, not all, who comprise the IWC and operate websites, etc love to walk a fine line. When asked if I thought Roman Reigns was ready for the WWE World Title run that might be in his future, I said "not now but he's got until April to become ready and that I was optimistic that he could get there. Some in the IWC, to create more traffic, then went into business for themselves printed that I said that Roman wasn't ready and inferred that I had little confidence in him of getting ready. That's like 'borrowing' from my blogs fpr their own sites and never mentioning how to order our products which is the primary reason hat I write so many blogs each create a forum to sell my family's products. At least I'm honest. To set the record straight, anyone who can guarantee that they know if Reigns will be ready or not are BS'ing themselves and who ever listens to them. If you have a crystal ball I'd suggest that you use to it win some sports bets and to play the stock market. By the way, what if Reigns is NOT slated to become the next big thing at WM31? The eraser is a mighty weapon. Bottom line is to simply stay tuned and enjoy the ride and try not to over analyze the TV programming of any company that promotes the genre."

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