Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Today's News


This week aired it's 800th episode, and was live, here are the matches.

* Fandango vs Roman Reigns...

* Damien Sandow, Luke Harper & The Miz vs Erick Rowan & The Uso's.

* Ryback vs Seth Rollins...

* Nikki Bella vs Naomi (Diva's Title).

* Adam Rose vs Kane...

* Dolph Ziggler vs Seth Rollins.


Mike Tenay will host their new Saturday morning show.

NXT wedding:

Vickie Guerrero has announced the engagement of her Daughter Shaul to Aiden English.

Lanny Poffo reveals opinion of Macho Man DVD:

"I took a look at it almost with one eye closed because I was so nervous how it was going to come out. But, I was very impressed with it. Now, it wasn't perfect in my estimation. Here is where I have to talk very carefully. I want you to know that I realize that without Jimmy Hart and Jerry Lawler, we never would have gone to Memphis. And, without Jimmy Hart, we would never have gone to the WWE. Don't think for one moment that I'm not appreciative of Hulk Hogan for giving a journeyman 4 months of main events. I don't want to complain, point fingers, or name names. But, I would like to shout out to every main event jabronie that disgraced themselves on my brother's DVD by making fun of the way that Randy treated Elizabeth.You are all divorced. All of you! All of you are divorced! How dare you question my brother. What did you want him to do? Let Elizabeth shower with Brian Knobbs? Is that what you wanted? I mention Brian Knobbs because he was always trying to earn his name of Nasty Boy. I would have wanted my own locker room! There were people putting Halcion in people's drinks. There were people using people's suit cases as toilets. It was like National Lampoons Animal House! My brother was just a no nonsense guy in a world full of nonsense. I would say he was a better husband than Chris Benoit, wouldn't you say? How come all of these people are divorced?"

He refused to comment on the McMahon's, Triple H and Shawn Michaels not appearing, but said he would rather Pat Patterson was not included, due to a falling out Randy had with he, and Jay Strongbow in the 80's.

He also confirms he will no longer oppose HOF induction for his Brother...

"Ok, I am bending and let me explain why. The day I turned 59, it finally hit me I'm the older brother. There were a lot of times in my life, being the Macho Man's brother and Angelo's son, I didn't get my way. As the last man standing, I am now. So, I told my mother I'm willing to allow the WWE to put "Macho Man" Randy Savage in the Hall of Fame by himself. I'm not going to have a blinking contest with Vince McMahon. He's got balls of steel and he's willing to cut off his nose to spite his face. I'm just not man enough to do that, fellas. I can stand up to a lot of people but not him. He's got more guts and brains than anyone I've ever met. Even Randy would have told you that. What is the Hall of Fame anyway? It isn't for the Macho Man, it is for the Macho fan and they are the ones that made him great. I'm sorry, Randy. I hope that you're not mad at me. Maybe we'll find out later."

Although he added he has not yet been asked, and said he knows WWE will never induct he, and his Father.

Raw problems:

This weeks Raw was the least viewed of 2014.

WCW reunite:

3 count got back together this weekend, at Wrestlecade.

Diva qualifies:

Dana Brooke of NXT has earned a spot on the fitness challenge, The Arnold Classic.

TNA re-buffed:

AJ Styles has revealed he has turned down multiple approaches from TNA to return, he says he will not, and is happy in Japan.

Dixie Carter has done some snubbing of her own, refusing to talk with Jim Ross, for his podcast.

Foley snubs WWE:

Mick Foley refused to be GM on Raw, he said he cannot attend next weeks Christmas show because...

''The truth is, I was asked by WWE if I would like to travel to Minneapolis for Raw, but had to turn the opportunity down, due to a prior commitment. I'll miss it. I'll watch, and probably wish I was there. But as important as appearing on Christmas Raw is to me, honoring a commitment means just a little bit more.''

Miz talks new movie:

"It's a tremendous amount of pressure to go into a movie and call yourself a marine, especially when you know the sacrifices every marine goes through on a day-to-day basis. So when I went to do this movie I said, 'I want a marine there to show me how to clear a room, how to hold a gun. I wanted to do everything a marine does. Honestly, I'm not going to war. I'm filming a movie. These guys are the true heroes…So from the feedback I've gotten, most people really enjoyed the movie. That's enough for me."

Fancy a Steveweiser?:

Steve Austin has confirmed he will be bringing out a beer soon...

"I can't really announce anything yet but we're working on the paperwork right now. I'm also working on another lifestyle-orientated thing that I'm excited about too, but since you brought the beer up, I'm anticipating getting everything finalized so I can get in the tasting room, come up with the formula and create the beer. It's almost a done deal."

TLC fan eviction:

A drunk fan was removed from TLC over the weekend, during the US Title match.

Raw reunion:

January 19 will have an NWO reunion, with the original 3 memebers, and HBK will also be at the flashback episode.


Total Diva's will premiere on E! UK for the new season.

WWE Christmas card:

WWE wrestler of the year:

Is... Dolph Ziggler, according to Rolling Stone Magazine, but who gets your vote??? comment below.

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