Sunday, December 7, 2014

Today's News

Titus O'Neill interview:

On Batista...

"He just used to talk to me about the good and the bad of the business. But he also used to tell me and try to encourage me to get into it because he thought I would be good for the business. And in return, that the business would be good for me. So I did explore the opportunity, and I'm very thankful that I did because it is something that I have an opportunity to have a platform to bless people all around with a positive message. As well as entertain people from all walks of life – all different types of backgrounds, races, sexual orientation, etc. And it exemplifies—it gives me a chance to exemplify what I truly stand for which is really giving everyone an opportunity to not only enjoy entertainment, but also being involved in entertainment. And I think the WWE does a wonderful job of keeping the WWE Universe engaged through our various platforms, whether it be social media or through our WWE Network or through programming on television on a weekly basis."

On puking on live TV...

"I actually threw up…for real. Actually a couple were upset at the beginning because they thought I was going to fake it. And then they realized that this guy is really throwing up. I guess I needed to show that I had talent in the acting department to do so. And part of being an entertainer is that you have to show a wide range of emotions and skills set. I'm glad on worldwide television I was able to exhibit my skill set of regurgitation a Thanksgiving meal."

CM Punk:

Well we have to mention it, the internet went mildly batsh!t last night.

CM Punk has officially signed, for UFC. He made the announcement at their event last night and will debut in 2015.

Us wrasslin' fans have lost him to MMA.

Here is the big announcement as it happened live...

Many stars of wrestling and UFC have already spoken out on the news, many UFC stars, including someone who was once a Power Ranger, and has had a hard on for Punk for a couple of years, have thrown down challenges, wanting to be his first opponent. Wrestlers have been mixed in their reposnse, Tyler Reks called him a whiner, and that he looked forward to seeing him getting beat up in UFC, others including JR and WWE star Rey Mysterio congratulated him.

His Wife AJ Lee, who was at the event with him, declared her pride.

WWE released this brief statement...

"WWE wishes Phil Brooks (aka CM Punk) the best of luck in his newest endeavor."

Question Of The Day...

I haven't done one of these for a while, but will dust it off today, what do you make of CM Punk's big decision???...

"My professional wrestling days are over, it's awesome to be here (UFC). This is something I've wanted to do for a long time."

British Bootcamp:

The winner was announced tonight, and will go to the States to sign a TNA contract. The winner was... Mark Andrews.

Legend extreme:

Wrestling legend Dick Beyer, 84 years old, repelled down a 26 story building in Niagara Falls today.

Austin Aries:

Rumours of Austin Aries leaving TNA have been quashed, he says he will work their debut tapings for their new Network.

WWE / Ryback:

It should go without saying, but WWE are supporting Ryback against CM Punk's claims in his shoot interviews.


Former WWE tag star Jimmy Del Rey passed away yesterday aged 52, early reports are he suffered a heart attack, he was found in his car, after he came off the road, and hit a lamp post... RIP.


Roman Reigns got married today. Congratulations.

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