Thursday, December 25, 2014

Today's News

Hope you have all had a great day.

Nash dropped by WWE:

WWE have suspended Kevin Nash's legends contract after his arrest yesterday. He has now been released from jail, but says he can't forgive his son for what happened between them.

Roster vs WWE:

Triple H's attempts at regaining roster morale have backfired. Morale has been down since Steve Austin's interview with Vince McMahon, and the lack of ambition comment by the boss, Hunter decided it was time to step in and get everyone back on track... He failed, whatever was said has infuriated many, and further isolated others.

It is said that while Triple H is loved at NXT, he has lost all credibility with the senior roster.

WWE star written out:

AJ Lee is injured, and will not be back for a while, she continued to work hurt for a couple of weeks to see out her feud with Nikki Bella, but a big angle to write her out of the stories was cancelled from this weeks TV's without a reason being provided. She is ''Expected'' back at some point in 2015.


TNA's last show has aired on Spike. They are having problems with their new channel, they are being forced to offer 50% off ticket prices for the new year Impact tapings, due to extremely poor sales.

Batista named best:

Batista is the best athlete turned actor of 2014, awarded for his role in a Marvel film.

WWE vs E!:

WWE officials are furious with a scene on the new series of Total Diva's, which portrayed the ladies eating ''Special'' brownies and drinking alcohol. This would have resulted in fines and suspensions, by the WWE's own wellness policy, but as none of them have been fined or suspended, and the show being taped months in advance, WWE have some explaining to do, and egg on faces.

Adrian Neville:

WWE are working on putting a mask on Adrian Neville, and making him a kids cartoon-esque gimmick wrestler, he is likely to debut early in 2015.

X-Pac defends WWE future, under HHH:

"Hunter is very Pro Wrestler. Trust me. Everybody is worried about pro wrestling dying or whatever and saying 'Oh, it's sports entertainment blah blah,' trust me, Hunter is pro wrestling"

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