Monday, December 8, 2014

Today's News

Rey to stay:

Backstage word coming out of WWE is Rey Mysterio got everything he asked for from Vince McMahon, and he will re-sign a new WWE contract in May next year. WWE are desperate to maintain a latino presence on their show, and Rey knows he will have no hope of making the same bank with any other group, so they are stuck to each other, for better or worse. This will likely be Rey Rey's last run, but he would then become an ambassador for WWE, work he will start during his next contract window.

WWE star in movie remake:

The beast from Boggo Road, Nathan Jones (Remember him???) will be in the remake of Mad Max, which is filming in Australia.

CM Punk vs wrestling:

CM Punk is doing the media rounds promoting his UFC career, and he is making some noteworthy comments.

* Punk said UFC talent have been very friendly and welcoming.

* Punk talked about staying away from the negativity on Twitter. He expects heat from wrestling and MMA fans, and does not want to deal with it.

* He said he did not make the move for the money.

* Punk said pro wrestling is a very bi-polar business and it was wearing on him.

* Punk knew when he first left WWE that he was getting into MMA, and part of him would always wish he walked when he had the chance before (Pipebomb) he was talked into staying, and got the famous title reign as his reward.

* He feels like he's 15 again because the UFC deal has given him new life. He said stuff that bugged him for a long time don't any more.

* He said the contract talks were very easy.

* He said for the foreseeable future, UFC is his home, and he doesn't see why he won't be fighting into his 40's. Punk is 36 now.

* He says he's been CM Punk for most of his life and is CM Punk still (WWE have not yet commented on whether they will challenge him using the name).

* He wants to debut in Chicago, but he doesn't think he will be ready in time.

* He might use Cult Of Personality as his walk out song.

* He's looking to train for 6 months, before competing.

* He mocked the WWE view of UFC, saying he doesn't care what they think "Because remember, UFC is not competition."

* He expects his debut will happen on pay-per-view.

* He says in many ways, he's already won, he's just got to get to the cage. He knows people will tune in to see him either win or get beat up.

Alberto makes history:

Alberto Del Rio's win in a bloody match last night, earning him the AAA title, makes him the only man to have held the AAA, CMLL and WWE gold.

Total Diva's:

Summer Rae and Naomi have reportedly been axed from the show.


Tonight is Slammy Awards night. Official tease...

* Who will take home a Slammy Award?

* What's Seth Rollins planning for John Cena?

* Will Big Show and Erick Rowan collide?

* What's The Miz's motivation for Naomi?

* Will injury affect Dean Ambrose at WWE TLC&S?

Booker T:

Has now recovered from a torn meniscus.


Rusev vs Jack Swagger and Nikki Bella vs AJ Lee are scheduled to be added to the card tonight / this week.

WWE 2K15:

Remember freedom of choice / expression?... NO, don't!!!. WWE are banning anybody from using the online feature of their new game for uploading Chris Benoit as a custom character, a two week ban for a first offense, left one fan irate, and he furiously challenged a WWE rep on social media.

WWE ban fan sign:

A fan was forced to hand over a sign referencing CM Punk's shoot interview, before being allowed into Raw tonight, it asked ''Can someone check my staph infection''.

Taker at Mania?:

The Undertaker has been added to the official WrestleMania 31 promotional tour bus.

Mood turning:

Backstage talk is starting to turn against CM Punk, talent are starting to get fed up, as he is the only thing anyone is talking about in wrestling for the past couple of weeks, and he is the guy that says he wants nothing more to do with the sport. Must say I kind of agree, I am / was a big Punk fan, but you have moved on, let the rest of us, you had your say, you have made your move to UFC, have a great time, see you when you want to come back, it feels like he is the only thing I have talked about on here all month.

IC champ to return:

WWE have re-applied for the TM ''Shelton Benjamin'' a very big clue to an impending return, or not, it turned out the internet shot it's collective bolt without getting the complete facts of the matter, WWE actually rescinded ownership of the TM.

He won't be bothered though, even as this story was breaking he was tweeting digs at WWE, a fan asked why he is not on WWE TV, he said...

"So you could watch a guy in a bunny suit instead."

Hogan responds... kind of:

Hulk Hogan has responded to a police officer using him to describe the moment he killed a teenager in America, he said he had no opinion on the incident, and hopes tensions in the city of Ferguson cool down soon.

Taz stirs the pot:

Taz has suggested WWE were involved in the UFC signing of CM Punk.

Royal Rumble:

WWE plans for the Rumble have officially been dropped, they had invited 10 ECW originals to take part in the match, and would make it a 40 man, as in 2011, but they have reportedly dropped the plans and will go with the traditional 30 man. Hopefully there will be some surprises, but the source says they have dropped the legends angle altogether.

HHH / Steph land new jobs:

Hunter and Stephanie have joined fitness magazines, Men and Fitness and Shape, respectively.

Good news from Barrett:

Wade has confirmed he is dating a Canadian TV star named Rachel David.

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