Monday, December 29, 2014

Today's News

Foley ends year:

Mick Foley is wearing regular person clothes for the first time in a year, after he ended a 365 day campaign of wearing Christmas themed attire, to promote his Santa Claus documentary, yesterday.

Raw teaser:

* How will Edge and Christian wreak havoc?

* What will emerge from The Ascension's Wasteland?

* How will Dolph Ziggler close out his best year ever?

* Did Jimmy Uso deliver a deal-breaker to The Miz?

* Where do Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt go from here?

Bad News Barrett is also scheduled to return.

Scary incident for WWE Diva:

Emma suffered a scare at a live show last night. She was thrown through the ropes, but hit her back on the apron as she fell from the ring, unable to move and in pain, WWE medics rushed from the back to tend to her. She was unable to continue the match, and after five minutes of treatment at ringside was helped to the back.

Cesaro vs WWE:

Cesaro demanded to have his own theme song cut off during his entrance at last nights live event, saying the song was ''Not good at all''.

UFC legend blasts wrestling:

Don Frye said of CM Punk's switch to UFC...

"I thought he pulled out like 4 hours after he signed the contract. I thought maybe the common sense fairy came by and tapped him on his shoulder and said 'hey dumbass, this isn't WWE.' I mean god dammit, who's that big blonde fairy who has the belt for the WWE? [He's] from North Dakota, or South Dakota, or one of them. East Dakota? The Minnesota Viking. What's his name? [Brock Lesnar] Yeah Lesnar. Yeah he found out real fast. He was supposed to be god's answer to Satan, or Satan's answer to Christ, and he found out real fast that's not the place to be. He got hit, and man it changed his - he wanted to back, go to work in McDonalds."


2015's Royal Rumble promotional poster.

WWE name best stars:

WWE have credited the following stars, as the most impressive of 2014...

#8 Stardust
#7 Slater Gator
#6 Jack Swagger
#5 The Bunny
#4 Erick Rowan
#3 Damien Mizdow
#2 Nikki Bella
#1 Dolph Ziggler

They also listed the 10 most defining moments of 2014...

#10 John Cena destroyed by Brock Lesnar
#9 NXT takes center stage
#8 Hulk Hogan comes home to WWE
#7 Seth Rollins turns on The Shield
#6 The Ultimate Warrior enters the Hall of Fame
#5 Sting steps into a WWE ring
#4 Daniel Bryan overcomes the odds
#3 The Authority's reign of terror ends
#2 WWE Network launches
#1 Brock Lesnar breaks The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak

Hogan school?:

Hulk Hogan is personally training rapper Riff Raff to make the move into wrestling.

Mexico drop WWE:

Televisia, Mexico's biggest Network have ended a 6 year relationship with WWE.


WWE are working on a post WrestleMania feud for Sting, pitting him against Seth Rollins. However WWE are also itching to put Rollins into the title stories as soon as possible, and their are no plans for Sting to be a title contender for his limited WWE career, so this is probably not going to come to fruition, but they are working on having an angle prepared, in case.

Neville gimmick update:

WWE are planning on putting Adrian Neville in a mask and cape, but have rowed back on the Mighty Mouse inspiration for his main roster look. They now compare their ideas for him to the late Crash Holly, a kid friendly, cute, underdog, likable character.

There is only one Crash Holly IMO... Good luck recreating his popularity...

His debut has also been pushed back until the spring, they are going to give him a couple more angles with NXT first.

This is actually not a new idea, they offered a Mighty Mouse gimmick character to the late Chris Candido in 1995, but ended up naming him Skip.

Fast-Food company use WWE footage in TV ad:

Hardees have used footage of Brock Lesnar destroying the WWE offices, from his 2013 angles with Triple H, in this ad, for a bacon burger...

NWO reunion officially off:

WWE have confirmed to the arena, for Raw on January 15, that Kevin Nash will not be in attendance. They are now advertising Scott Hall as Razor Ramon instead, so he will still likely attend, and Hulk Hogan is also still booked.

Possible huge announcement:

Daniel Bryan says he has reached a cross road and will share a big decision on Raw tonight... 

It's unlikely to be his return to the road, he is still far from healthy, don't want to think it, but retirement???

''Everyone comes to a crossroads in their life and I’ve come to mine. I look forward to telling you all about it tonight on #Raw.''

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