Friday, December 5, 2014

Today's News

Ryback bites back:

Ryback has spoken out about CM Punk's shoots...

"A little harmless fire back never hurts. … I don't want to harp on this but I will say the comments he made were not accurate about me, definitely. It's a little disappointing to hear that. He was never like that to my face. To hear the things that he said, especially behind my back to Vince (McMahon), it's very disturbing to me. Things did not go ideal for me after that time period that we had wrestled and I stuck around, I hung out, I showed up day in and day out, I did my job, and turned things around. He goes on record saying I broke his ribs on purpose and this and that. That's not true. And if it was, if he says that that happened, he never did anything about it, if he's this big bad tough guy. But it never happened. You've got a roster full of WWE talent that knows the real Ryback. Everyone knows the truth and what he said is not the truth. I wish him the best and I'd like to think he would be thankful for everything that he has in WWE. I was the one that, for lack of a better word, put him over time and time again. And then he walked out and left. He was beaten up, he had his issues. I don't think anyone is going to question walking away beaten up. But I think people say 'what does he have to lose by saying what he does?' I think he's making excuses and trying to… he wants people to feel sorry for him for leaving. He walked away and left and just man up, he needed time off. We all get beat up, we all work hurt. I was hurt for seven months before I needed to get surgery. And I say at the end of the day, be thankful for everything that you have from WWE. With any job there's good and bad. Focus on the good. Don't be bitter because who knows what's going to happen down the line. But I wish him the best. I don't want to sit there and get into a war of words, it's not going to do good for anybody. Hopefully we'll see him down the line. If I was as big, bad, and rough for what he's saying in the ring and I beat him up so badly that it took 20 years off his career do you think that WWE would have me in the ring with guys like John Cena and Dolph Ziggler and other top WWE talents? No. I wouldn't be here. I would be gone. We have a roster full of guys that know the truth. He said what he said. I respect his opinion to say what he wants to say, but it's not true. I know some people are going to believe him, some people aren't. In a few weeks it's going to be irrelevant and I'm going to be with the WWE moving forward."

Booker T also stated his disappointment in CM Punk slamming the breaks on what could have been one of the all time great careers.

Punk called out:

An MMA star named Phil Baroni has mocked CM Punk as a whiner, and says the pain he will inflict upon him will be much worse than the damage Ryback did.

The Rock:

The Rock has congratulated fellow WWE Alum Batista for achieving HIS dream of making it into a James Bond movie.

NXT star to retire:

Corey Graves will make an announcement about his future at R Evolution.

Wrestling dog:

John Morrison is to star with a dog who dreams, and succeeds in becoming a pro wrestler, in a new movie.


Jeff Jarrett is looking for venues in Las Vegas to tape GFW TV shows.

Punk to UFC:

Eve Torres' husband Renier Gracie says CM Punk, who is a student of his, can make the switch to MMA if he so chooses...

"He's showing up for two weeks at a time, training exclusively with me, 100 percent, then he's out. Then he comes back six months later. So, there's not been enough consistency to concern ourselves with belts. But man, he's remarkable. He's in the top tier of students that I've ever worked with as far as his retention ability goes -- his athleticism and his ability to train for long periods of time, because he's very resilient and very athletic. I don't know what he wants to do with it, where he wants to take it. I just enjoy the process and having students as dedicated as him."

Brock to UFC:

Brock Lesnar is featured on the new UFC video game.

Injuries legit:

Zeb Colter's injuries are real, he posted a photo from hospital just before undergoing a 4 hour operation. This is the second scripted attack to lead to real injuries in a matter of weeks, Sheamus being the first.

PPV re-named:

WWE have changed the name of TLC, and released this picture of the new name of the event.


Josh Matthews has confirmed he will become the new lead announcer for TNA next year, and Dixie Carter has today signed off on the new company logo.


Bray Wyatt says the Wyatt's have not split, and will always be a group, even as they pursue solo ambitions...

"There is no breakup. That's another thing I'd like to get out there. There's friction between [Harper & Rowan] and that's kinda part of the issue, is relinquishing some of that. When the Wyatt Family is needed, the Wyatt Family will always be, and that's the way I designed it, and that's the way it will go on for ten, fifteen, who knows how long. The Wyatt Family is far from over, I can assure you of that. I'm very proud of [Rowan], sometimes. He's done some things since we split that I haven't necessarily agreed with. I'm not so sure he's a genius with a big IQ, I'm actually a hundred percent sure of that. [Laughs] But Harper is the Intercontinental Champion and that's exactly where he belongs and why he needed to go out on his own. Because Harper is one of the greatest, most malicious entities in the entire WWE. He should be free to go after things like that."

Wrestling baby:

Matt Hardy and Reby Sky have announced they are pregnant with their first child.

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