Friday, December 26, 2014

Today's News

Mick Foley interview:

On ambitions to have one more match...

"No, I exceeded my wildest expectations in wrestling and really feel good about the legacy I left behind. I find that I get most of the same things I loved about performing in the ring when I do my live shows around the world. I also find it when I don the red suit and become an ambassador for Santa [laughs]."

On his current favourites...

"I like those really multidimensional characters like Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt. I've really seen Seth Rollins come on strong in the last few months. I actually love the Damien Mizdow character [laughs], he has become must-see TV. When I hear the words, 'Dad, Mizdow's on TV!' I move quicker than you would expect. I would be very remiss not to include Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro and some of the NXT guys on the rise like Sami Zayn."

On his Daughter's wrestling future...

"She was training and she loves it. I would like her to be a wrestling personality as opposed to a wrestler, just because as a dad I don't want to see my daughter go through the things that I did. The absolute worst way to ensure that somebody will not listen to you is to try to force them, so I'm going to support her in whatever she does. I'm just trying to find the best possible training for her."

Punk chooses UFC home:

He will be a part of the Roufusport training camp. Apparently there has been some controversy surrounding the owner of the facility, but any concerns Punk may have had were allayed, they say they have drastically improved their methods in recent years.

Hardy baby:

Matt Hardy and Reby Sky are to become parents to a baby boy, they have revealed.


WWE have announced a new Ultimate Warrior DVD... "Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe" will hit stores on April 14, 2015.

Nash moves on:

Kevin Nash is trying to put his family issues behind him...

"We're not the Capones. We just opened presents and we went out to dinner last night."

Wrestling link to reality show:

A member of the famous Anoa'i family has won a spot on American Idol, a singing contest. Reno regularly sings with his local church. He is the nephew of Afa and Sika, and cousin of current WWE man Roman Reigns.

Back To The Future... Fella:

WWE star Sheamus has bought the iconic DeLorean car from the 80's comedy Back To The Future.

Bellator approach Lesnar:

"There hasn't been any serious dialogue, but when the time comes to have serious dialogue, we'll be right there." So says the president of the MMA group.

TNA heat:

TNA are not happy with Spike putting their last two shows on their Network in a later time slot than they usually aired in, breaking a promise to keep them in prime time.

Dixie talks Vince interview:

''I can't even comprehend that statement (Lack of ambition). It doesn't sit with our group. My own roster's completely different than that. I don't have a complaint about anybody on my roster. The young guys are just as hungry … the young guys from 10 years ago are now the Bobby Roodes, Samoa Joes, James Storms. Visit Wrestling Inc. My main eventers, who were brand new young talent from 10 to 12 years ago, I'm proud of how far they've come. This young group of talent we have right now, they're the hardest working, most positive team players around."

Huge heat on AJ Lee:

WWE are hot with AJ over 3 incidents. Her Slammy speech, she went completely off script, and ran down the entire women's division (Bar Paige), her choice to attend the UFC show with CM Punk, and another incident, where she was removed from the intro of Main Event after a ''Hiccup'' backstage, no further details of what the issue was, have emerged.

Wrestling wedding:

Magnus and Mickie James are engaged to be married.

Dean Ambrose talks dream angle, that never was:

Referencing the long teased debut feud with Mick Foley...

"It was going to be a real thing. That was the start of it. It was my idea, something that I pitched. I'm of the generation who watched Mick Foley fall off stuff, and on the indies people are falling off ladders and getting hurt. I did a lot of hardcore stuff before I got here [the WWE]."

Ambrose said the basis of the angle would be that Mick Foley influenced an entire generation of young wrestlers to hurt themselves in order to get cheers...

"I was going to make him pay for it. Hunter bit on it. It was almost too real.''

Ambrose said that the company wanted the feud to start on Twitter, but he didn't have one. The WWE set up accounts for all of the FCW talent, in order to veil the fact that he was having an account created to start the angle...

"The dirt sheets starting biting on it. I went up to him while he was signing autographs, people were filming on their phones and had no idea who I was''. This was at WrestleMania a couple of years ago, Ambrose also said that even Mark Henry fell for it after hearing a second hand account of the ordeal, he offered to beat up Foley's harasser.''

Unfortunately for all involved, Foley couldn't get cleared to compete and the angle was nixed...

"I was pretty bummed, I thought that was the one perfect moment. But it gave me buzz and got more eyes on me. There was a positive in it''.


Remembering the obscene amount of lives lost on this day 10 years ago, in the Christmas Tsunami... RIP all.

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