Thursday, December 4, 2014

Today's News

Lesnar's last night:

It has been confirmed that Brock Lesnar will work his last WWE date, of this contract, on the night after WrestleMania. He has at this stage not entered talks to continue, and a return to MMA is highly expected.

Deceased wrestler linked with HOF:

The Crippler Ray Stevens has emerged as an early contender for next years WWE Hall Of Fame. WWE like to induct someone from the area they are in, and Ray, may be 2015's hometown hero. He died in 1996.

Dixie Carter:

Dixie Carter has given an end of year round up interview. Highlights...

On Spike...

"I will forever be grateful to Spike TV for giving us an amazing national platform. TNA Wrestling was relegated to regional Fox Sports Networks, and later internet broadcasts before being picked up by Spike in 2005. I'm not interested in having somebody picking up our two-hour show, I'm interested in someone becoming a partner on much bigger level"

On the TNA locker room...

"There's always an uneasiness that comes with change. I have hundreds of livelihoods that I was responsible for, and I didn't take it lightly and I wasn't going to let people down, but I wasn't going to take a bad deal," Carter said of her employees. "We have babies backstage, wives and husbands. It's a great atmosphere and I think that helps everybody."

On the new Network...

"You don't have opportunites very often to have a fresh start. What can we do to distinguish ourselves. Do we break the mold?. Obviously it's a smaller channel. If it was looked at as an apples to apples comparison you'd look at me like I'm crazy. But they're a part of Discovery Communications. They're growing Destination America, it's already one of the 5 fastest growing channels on cable. This is a global deal, I'm really excited. If we have success, there's no bigger deal we could have done."

On changes in 2015...

"Hopefully there will be some old faces return. I love this young roster we have. Looking back, this is the best, freshest group of talent we've had".

On Vince McMahon's view of TNA...

"Well, I think it's ridiculous to say that we're not competition. If we weren't competition they wouldn't try to stop our growth at every turn. We're both wrestling companies and so competing for the same networks internationally and the same ticket sales globally and therefore you are competitors but all we can do is focus on what we do best. My big focus for 2015 is to further distinguish our product from anybody else's out there. What can we do better and what have we been doing great that we can take to another level. We're going to be announcing in the coming weeks some realty exciting changes to our show and that's a big part - trying to make our brand much more distinctive than not just WWE but other wrestling companies around the world."

On her relationship with Shane McMahon...

"I don't think the talent have really ever done anything to me. I had somebody call me once and leave a message to call back Shane McMahon. So I returned his call but he had never called me. We had a conversation and he's a lovely guy. But don't give the roster any ideas!."

On signing CM Punk...

"CM Punk's in a place right now where he's happy and I wouldn't attempt to try to get him to come wrestle for us until he's in a place where he wants to wrestle. I respect what he's done so much, he was in my opinion at the top of his game, and it's hard walking away from a big paycheck, but he did it. You wouldn't want to ask him to walk to a new paycheck until his head is in the right place."

She also confirmed Kurt Angle has signed on to stay with TNA.

WWE trainee arrested:

Rip Steele, a former WWE trainee was arrested for collecting a shipment of drugs on November 5. Police were alerted to him because of his erratic driving, and found the stash in his vehicle.

Slater responds:

Heath Slater has declared himself innocent of the crimes he is wanted by police for, and has his attorney fighting on his behalf.

CM Punk's double tap:

CM Punk was back last night, responding to the fallout from his original shoot, and the Austin / McMahon interview.

CM Punk said McMahon's claims that his release was an office botch are false, and that he got fired on his wedding day, his settlement on his birthday, and gave back to the fans on Thanksgiving.

He talked about the positive reception the shoot got from fans (But advised people that see him in public to call him by his ring name, as he will not respond if you call him Phil), but said he does not agree with Colt Cabana that wrestlers are supportive of him. He said he understands WWE guys being happy with his comments, as he said what they cannot, but expects no love from the business as a whole.

He confirmed the interview was a therapeutic experience, but added that more fans have asked about the in's and out's of the backstage area in WWE, than his attacks, such as why wrestlers come out from the back with wet hair.

He asked fans to stop chanting his name, and show respect to the performers, in particular his wife AJ Lee, and admitted he watches WWE, but only AJ's stuff.

He would not rule out returning for a WrestleMania main event, as he did not want to lie to Colt Cabana, but he feels he gave WWE enough chances to put him in that spot, and has no ambitions to give them another go...

"I've been there, done that. Now it's something I'm synonymous with like 'Aw shucks, he shoulda got his WrestleMania main event. I feel like I was communicating that to them for a great many years. The window is closed."

Colt pushed for a more positive answer, and received this as a reply...

"It's way too f*ckin' early. I have no interest in going back. My mental stability, everything across the board is so drastically different", but he did say "Never say never", although adding he would have to have blown all his money to consider it, but did want to work with Young Bucks.

He blasted Vince McMahon as insincere...

"I don't wanna hear it was a coincidence, I don't wanna hear lawyers didn't talk to talent relations. I talked to Hunter on the 11th, on the 13th FedExed overnight, I got a document that was dated the 12th. My wife asked for that time off so she could get married. The weekend after her honeymoon, she was back on TV. They knew. If the apology was sincere, you wouldn't use it as a publicity stunt on Austin's podcast. You have my phone number, you have my address. You could text, you could call, you could show up when you're a ten minute drive from my house and apologize like a f*ckin man. That's the reality of it. I was sick and hurt and burned out and I walked, and I can do that because I'm and independent contractor. I was suspended and then nobody contacted me after my suspension to be like 'you're unsuspended, we need you at Raw,' I got those phone calls a day after elbow surgery, a day after knee surgery, so where was my phone call? Maybe in the two months I'm going to feel better and come to my senses, but nobody ever found out because nobody ever reached out. It was a publicity stunt, be a man and call me. It's the f*ckin way it is" Punk then said he appreciated the sentiment, but didn't think it was sincere.

He revealed The Rock is getting abuse after the first interview, and asked fans to leave him alone.

He then told a couple more stories, one where he was made to work a night he had asked for the time off in 2013, but was called in with little notice, and getting pulled from a comic con to work a house show loop, costing him $20,000.


Batista has been confirmed for Bond 24, and will be on his way to the UK next week, to start filming.

The Rock:

The Rock says he will be spending Christmas with the President's Wife, and has confirmed agreeing to star in a Disney musical.

Parental pride:

Mick Foley said of his Daughter's WWE debut...

"Did anyone else notice Santa and his elf on WWE Monday Night Raw last night? I really enjoyed the commercial, and the way WWE handled it - with a wink and a nod. If you know, you know. If you don't, you don't. At least now you know the reason for the ridiculously long beard throughout the year! Plus, as a dad, just getting a chance to spend some extra time with my daughter, creating something holly and jolly, is something we will always remember. Despite the fact that my daughter has quite a devoted following on Twitter, this was the first time that much of the #RAW audience has seen her. She's a good kid!".

WWE on TV:

The Miz, Darren Young, Eva Marie and Cameron will appear as guests of Hells Kitchen, they taped their appearance last night.

NXT star Devin will be a contestant on The Bachelor.

Slammy Award:

A fan at Raw this week will be given a real Slammy Award. Everyone who goes to Raw will get a ''Swag bag'', one will hold a real statuette.


Booker T's new book art.

Seth stops split:

Seth Rollins says he told Vince McMahon not to break up the Shield after this years Royal Rumble...

"We said no, we stopped it. One major time for sure. They wanted us to be prepared for that, but we're not cowardly heels. People like us. We put a huge kibosh on it."

Wrestler wanted for rape:

Teddy Hart is wanted for sexual assaults on two women in Canada, His dad says Teddy had a falling out with one of the ladies in question, and this is her way of getting her own back.

Punk to UFC:

Dana White says he is open to bringing Punk to UFC...

"He is a big fan. I like him very much. He's a great dude. I don't know if he can fight or anything like that, but sure. I wouldn't mind talking to CM Punk."


Sting has signed a 6 appearance deal with WWE, Survivor Series was the first.

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