Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Today's News


John Cena vs Seth Rollins has been confirmed for the event, as has The Miz & Damien Mizdow vs The Uso's for the Tag straps.


Seth Green will host Raw next week. Brock Lesnar will not appear, he has been withdrawn from the show. Mick Foley and his Daughter, Noelle appeared on this weeks show, in a Christmas themed promo.

Austin / Vince:

After Raw last night Steve Austin interviewed Vince McMahon live. Highlights of an interesting chat.

* Vince for the most part gave politically correct corporate answers, talking about the Network for example, he said they were doing great, and that he hoped the UK expansion would be done by January, although they are still working on it, so can't be sure as yet.

* The two men disagreed over the term ''Sports entertainment''. McMahon said he much prefers nowadays product to the often boring wrestling match heavy of his Dad's day, Austin was firmly on the side of more matches, less entertainment.

* Austin also expressed concern that modern wrestling has no back up plan for stars who leave WWE. He said TNA are no competition, and anyone that falls out with the WWE office has no where else to go, Vince responded that their talent need to make sure they do not ''Piss anyone off'' to keep their job. Austin said that is only making an era of stars too scared to speak out, and challenged the current roster to nut up.

* McMahon conceded that the current crop of talent are not as hungry as Austin's era, as everyone is afraid of failing. He did name the former Shield members and Bray Wyatt as his picks for the future greats of the business.

* Cesaro may be worried after the chat. Austin spoke very highly of the Swiss, however McMahon said he does not see the same, he believes Cesaro lacks charisma, and is not good enough on the mic. He also believes the fans do not connect with him, even with Paul Heyman's help. Here Austin interjected that he believed Heyman slowed down Cesaro's natural rapport with the fans, and that he has not recovered from his time with his former manager, McMahon disagreed, again, adding something is missing from his game, to make him the finished article.

* Vince revealed Shane McMahon has moved with his family to Japan, and hinted that there are some issues between Shane and his wife, due to how busy Shane is. He seemed worried about their future together, saying things were ''Rough''.

* He says he did not want his children to get into the wrestling business, hoping they could make it in the real world.

* Vince made a public apology to CM Punk for firing him on his wedding day, saying talent relations and legal did not work together as well as they should have. He confirmed things were bad at the minute, but does want to work with Punk again. Austin recalled his own WWE walk out in 2002, and blamed Vince's stubbornness for him being away so long, he added that it was Jim Ross that finally made the breakthrough, and got him back, then asked if there was anyone he could use as a go between to improve the situation with Punk. Vince said he wished there was, but ''No'' (Erm, you employ his wife, AJ Lee). Austin also revealed a hefty fine he got for leaving when he came back, and cheekily asked if he could have the money back, Vince said the fine was appropriate for his unprofessional conduct.

* Vince McMahon confirmed he made the call to end The Undertaker's streak, but had to be pushed to do so. He was adamant Taker supported the decision.

* Vince defended Brock Lesnar not being on TV every week. He feels seeing him too often would diminish his impact as champion.

* Macho Man Randy Savage will be a Hall Of Famer. Direct from Vince's mouth, although he did not say when.

* He talked about competitors like AWA and WCW, and shared his opinions on why they failed, and praised Bill Watts.

* He denied heat with Jim Ross, but did say he could not allow the unprofessional incident in LA in 2013 to go unpunished, and that JR wanted to move back home to Oklahoma, and he did not want him doing a ''Half a$$ed job''. Austin did not agree, saying creatively their product was poorer as a result of him not being around.

* McMahon said he enjoyed his on screen feud with Austin, but that he always felt more akin to Steve's character than his own.

* As the show was coming to and end Vince demanded that they continue for another 15 minutes, then talked about his love for competing in the ring, something his Dad had always been against.

* They talked about Austin's career, McMahon saying he personally stepped in to kill the Ringmaster, and that he was ''P!ssed'' about Austin bleeding at Mania 13, but said it worked, in terms of turning Bret heel and him face all in one night.

* They then ended with talk of Vince, he says the future is good, despite the drop in ratings, that he continues to listen to fans, and has no intention of stopping work any time soon.

Zack Ryder:

Has started rehab on his shoulder.

WWE return:

Maryse has been tweeting digs at Jimmy Uso and Naomi, possibly to start her return to WWE angle.

WWE backstage:

Last night was said to be very tense, with Triple H and Stephanie furious over the CM Punk shoot, there was also a closed door meeting with the pair and Vince McMahon, held before he went to talk to Steve Austin.

The Ascension:

WWE are going through final finishing touches to get the NXT team on to main roster TV.

Batista, Dave Batista:

Batista will find out later this week if he has won a role in the next James Bond movie.

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