Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Today's News

Brock Lesnar:

WWE have assured Brock Lesnar that there is no heat on him for considering leaving WWE at the end of his current deal. Not because there is no heat, but because they want to continue a dialogue with him, hoping he will re-consider his departure and stick around.

Raw notes:

Daniel Bryan announced his return to WWE will be at, and in, the 2015 Royal Rumble match.

The Authority have been brought back, Cena was forced to allow their return to save Edge from a Seth Rollins attack.

WWE, via Jerry Lawler, officially announced that Christian is now retired as a wrestler, ending a 15 year WWE career, he still has a year to run on his deal, so will appear in other capacities for the duration. WWE feel the regularity of him suffering injuries, particularly concussions, mean he can no longer work at the required level for him to continue as an active talent.

The Uso's won the Tag Titles.

Roman Reigns worked two different venues, a five minute match at a live show in Virginia, then he was rushed to Washington for Raw.

The Ascension debuted vs Miz & Sandow, who had lost their Tag Titles earlier in the evening.

Bad News Barrett returned from injury.

Randy Orton came out after the show ended, to help John Cena in his fight against the Authority members.

TNA split:

Brooke has revealed tensions during the taping of Amazing Race led to the end of her relationship with Robbie E.

Daniel Bryan:

Not everyone wanted Daniel Bryan to come back, a WWE poll saw 19% of the ballot choose the option for Daniel to end his career, during Raw last night.

Adrian Neville:

WWE have three angles they want to do with Neville before he steps up, starting with a title triple threat vs Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. They also plan individual feuds with Hideo Itami, and Finn Balor.

Wrestle or retire, Taker:

The Undertaker will be at WrestleMania 31. He will either work a match vs Bray Wyatt, or WWE will induct him as their star inductee into the Hall Of Fame class of 2015, probably confirming his retirement in the process. Should Taker go in the HOF, that would also likely mean Randy Savage would be bumped from next years class.

Angle signs:

Kurt Angle has officially signed to remain with TNA, after WWE showed little to no interest in taking him back.

Jay Briscoe talks injury:

''It was pretty nasty, man. They said they could have did surgery for it and drove a screw down screwed the shoulder bone back into my arm but they said I would have been out for a while. So I just kinda let it heal on its own and now I guess it's gonna be popped up like this until I get it taken care of. It's not too bad I've learned to live with it.''

Foley supports Bryan:

Mick Foley has thrown his support behind Daniel Bryan winning the Royal Rumble...


I'm not going to smash any TV sets this January. I'm hoping not to say, write, or tweet things that make my relationship with WWE difficult. But following Daniel Bryan's emotional speech on WWE Monday Night Raw last night, I think he could be the guy to face Brock Lesnar at this year's ?#?Wrestlemania?.

As opposed to the earlier Ryback - WWE promo, where Ryback seemed uncomfortable, and in too much of a rush for us to appreciate the substance of the words, Daniel Bryan allowed his emotions to tell the story - reminding us of the journey he'd been on this past year, while not letting us forget what it was about him that made so many of us root for him to begin with. He fights from underneath like few before him ever have, and (despite what some of my colleagues may think) would be a credible threat to knock down the mountain that Lesnar has been built to be. It would be the ultimate David, facing the ultimate Goliath. Man vs Beast. Man vs himself - really no need for Man vs company here. Give Paul Heyman free creative reign to bring out the best in Daniel Bryan - and for the WWE Universe to bring out the best in themselves - and we have got ourselves a compelling Mania main event.''

Jimmy Uso on Total Diva's:

Jimmy says he and his wife Naomi have different opinions on their exclusion from the ''Reality'' show...

''The work is a lot less now. I almost get to have my privacy back. We come off of these tours and you want to get home and relax, but you're still working because you're front of these cameras. They're in your home and you really just want to sleep all day. I'm OK with it, but my wife really isn't. We didn't agree with the terms, but things happen and they work out how they do. We're enjoying the free time that we have now.''

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