Friday, December 12, 2014

Today's News

Jericho on Goldberg fight:

Chris Jericho says he regrets his backstage fight with Goldberg, but only because it was on his first day with WWE, and it gave him a bad name right from the start, he also added he was only defending himself, which he would not apologise for.


Corey Graves announced his retirement from wrestling last night, and will now join the announce team, but as his door closed, the door opened for Kevin Steen, who had his debut match, but it wasn't plain sailing for the new boy, his opponent CJ Parker hit him so hard he not only broke Steen's nose, he split his own hand open with the force of the blow. Hey, welcome to the big leagues buddy.

Charlotte and the Lucha Dragons retained their titles on what was described as a rushed under card, before the title vs career main event.

Sami Zayn won the NXT title, but his friend Kevin Owens (Steen) turned heel on him after the match. Steen has now been given his WWE profile.

Brian Kendrick was backstage for an interview to join the NXT coaching team, he will be at the PC for a week for a tryout.

WWE feature:

WWE have listed the top 10 longest active tenures of their current crop of talent...

10 - Layla (3034 days)
9 - The Miz (3113)
8 - Rey Mysterio (4521)
7 - John Cena (4549)
6 - Randy Orton (4612)
5 - Big Show (5778)
4 - Kane (6275) * 
3 - Mark Henry (6848)
2 - Triple H (7164)
1 - The Undertaker (8786)

* This does not count his previous career as Isaac Yankem, and the Fake Diesel.

Cena named ''Human Of The Year'':

Satirical newspaper The Onion, has described their difficulty in choosing a winner between it's two nominees, John Cena, and Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani terrorism survivor, and advocate for women's rights, here is some of the article...

"No less remarkable are the accomplishments of Cena, whose work inside the ring has rightfully earned him praise and respect the world over. Just as Yousafzai survived an assassin's bullets, the fearless WrestleMania headliner has endured hundreds, if not thousands of suplexes, backbreakers, and steel chair blows to the head, and yet has refused to submit to a three count time and time again. And like the Pakistani activist, Cena also proved his bravery, standing tall in the face of a range of foes every bit as vicious as the Taliban, including Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, and Kane. And though Cena's list of victories is long and illustrious, perhaps no occasion was more heartening than his heroism at this year's Money In The Bank pay-per-view, in which he improbably won the main event ladder match to secure the WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt, a celebrated prize rivaled only by the Nobel committee's offering."

Arquette on WCW reign:

David Arquette says he did not kill WCW, but was shocked by their offer to make him champion, and admitted they gave him no training, but he didn't blame them, as they could not afford his insurance if he got hurt...

"So, I went (to WCW) and they said, 'If you stick around, we'll give you the strap.' It's like, 'Are you f—in kidding me?' " I thought it was crazy to give (me) the title but I went with it because it was a dream come true.''

He said the big names of WCW (Hogan and Flair) were happy to see him come in, but he got a very hard time from the rest of the roster. He also talked about his Raw match, revealing that Triple H and Randy Orton put him through a training session to teach him some of the basics before the match, for which he was very grateful, but that after taking a table bump, he was still in pain for days after.

Owen movie awarded:

Martha Hart has won 4 awards for her movie about her late husband Owen, including the best director for herself, at the Monaco film festival.

Shaq rocks The Rock:

After The Rock made a tweet promoting his new show Shaquille O'Neal asked when it would be on TV, then quickly followed with ''It doesn't matter''.

WWE star rushed into surgery:

Santino Marella was rushed to hospital today, and had to have all their repair work on his damaged neck reversed, he did not reveal why, but is hurt, and worried about what this means for his wrestling future.

Dean Ambrose reveals he ad-libs promo's:

He says he felt sick the first time he was given a scripted promo, and says he makes it up on the spot when he is out there...

"A lot of guys come out and they do the exact same thing, are in the exact same mood and have the exact same entrance every night… I really just make up a lot of crap as I go along," said Ambrose. "The first time that somebody handed me a sheet of paper with a promo on it, it was like a 'throw up in your mouth' kind of moment. And it's not like their fault, you know? It's not the writers' fault. But if was my world, there would be no written promos, there'd be no scripts… That wouldn't be a thing. I think there's too many in-ring promos now. I hate in–ring promos". I've never done a promo in WWE that I liked. I've never been like, 'That was a good promo' once in WWE and I've done a fair amount… Anytime, even if I change it a little to where I'm like, 'Okay, I like it. Is it cool if I do this?'…But there's always like, 'Okay, make sure that you hit on this and make sure you say this and use this term… Say pay-per-view instead of special event' or something… You know if there's one of those little things in there, then it's ruined for me."

How very dare he, they wouldn't do that in the old days... oh wait, that is exactly how it was done, but no-one could talk back then, apart from Savage, and Dusty, and Flair and...

EVERYONE should be allowed to do this.

TNA star to WWE:

Brittany, who was a backstage guest at NXT R Evolution, says she rejected TNA's one year offer, because she wants to be a (WWE) Diva by the end of 2015. She promised to be more motivated than ever in the new year.


A much younger version of WWE's newest star, Kevin Steen with Steve Austin.

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