Friday, December 19, 2014

Today's News

Book delayed:

Daniel Bryan's WWE produced biography has been pushed back from April 2015, to July 2015.

CM Punk:

CM Punk has been all over the media in the past couple of days, few notable things to share. He has ''Proved'' his appraisal of the WWE doctors, by showing a radio host the scar he was left with after the staph infection. He has also started to backtrack on comments he made about being 100% done with wrestling, telling Michael Landsberg, during an often combative interview, he can't say for sure, but he has no desire to come back, and he doesn't think that WWE desires him back yet, either. He may appear on a UFC reality show, both he and UFC officials are interested in the idea of cameras following his preparations for his debut. He called John Cena and The Rock kiss a$$es, but added he didn't know if it contributed to their success. He always looked at Vince as a boss, and wasn't a buddy with him, like they were.

It has also been revealed, by the Wrestling Observer, that CM Punk was not the first choice for the WWE movie he complained about during his shoot. Chris Jericho was offered the movie first, but rejected the role, John Cena then became the number 1 option, Punk was actually third on their list of options, but Randy Orton ended up taking the spot.


This cake is best for business...

Jarrett on GFW:

"Global Force will be its… a standalone. I think that's a nice enough term for it. With its own roster, with its own sponsors, own venue, running shows everything that goes with a promotion. But at Global Force Wrestling we also have a fundamental philosophy that's a 180 from what's been done over the last 10-15 years. Most promotions act like they're the only promotion that exists and no other promotions…they certainly don't talk about them and if they do they don't talk about them in a negative light. We've got a different philosophy. We've recognized and partnered with the best promotions in the world, New Japan's at the very top of that list. They're obviously the best promotion in Japan. AAA, in Mexico, a red-hot promotion in Mexico. We have partnered with independent promotions around the world. Our South African partner, we're going to be making some announcements on that in the days and weeks to come. Yes, we're going to be a stand alone promotion, and that's going to roll out in 2015, but we're also going to partner and what better way to step onto the grand stage and create even more brand awareness, partnering with New Japan bringing WrestleKingdom 9."

Hogan talks ring return:

"Triple H told me I've got nothing to prove but the last time I wrestled was not with this company and I want my legacy to end with the WWE. I weigh 295. I'm in really good shape and I'm training like I'm going to get in the ring. I'm like a convict given a life sentence. Vince (McMahon) said, 'Never say never.' And that's what I want – one last match, one last run, one last title win, one last title retirement."

Birthday bout:

Jake The Snake wants to work his last match next May, on his 60th Birthday.

Rollins blasts Orton as ''Jealous'' and ''Past it'':

"Randy and I are colleagues for sure, but we were never friends as far as hanging out. Randy's got his life, I've got my life – we were business partners when it made sense. But now it doesn't make sense any more so we're at odds again. And if you look at the way things were when we first came in as The Shield, he didn't like us very much then so it is one of those things where I think he has always harboured a little professional jealousy when it comes to myself. Maybe he's a little afraid that some of the young guys are going to come in and steal some of his thunder. An incredible performer and a sure-fire first ballot Hall of Famer – but he's had his time and I think he may be a little afraid to admit that."

Legit heat:

Big Show and Roman Reigns are at odds. Show is furious that Reigns knocked a tooth out on Raw, and shouted up to him whilst he was standing in the ring, ''You punch like a b!tch'', Reigns retorted with ''You look like a b!tch''.

NXT notes:

Diggs Rawlis, a former NFL star, made his wrestling debut, and Chad Gable was bust open from the mouth, by a clothesline.

The Rock:

The Rock is hosting a special event with the Obama's tonight, in Washington.

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