Thursday, August 1, 2013

Today's News

Goldberg in WWE 2K14?:

Goldberg has teased an appearance on the next WWE video game, in response to a fan on Twitter, who said he wished Goldberg would be a character on the game, He tweeted "Careful what you ask for''.

Randy Orton attack:

The guy that attacked Randy Orton in South Africa (See yesterday) has released a video explaining why he did what He did...

Many dirt sheet rumours started that the assault was a WWE work, it wasn't.... The guy wasn't having a tryout for a WWE developmental deal, he wasn't paid by another wrestler to attack Orton because they couldn't, It wasn't arranged by WWE as punishment for some backstage issue. He is a wannabe wrestler and it seems he was hoping to make a name for himself by pulling this stunt.

The stunt backfired, he was banned from all events for 5 years, and He suffered facial injuries from a kick to the face by Orton.

WWE added that Orton was injured in the assault and he is working with authorities in SA with the view to pressing charges, he will still work the remaining dates of the tour.

TNA August 1 SPOILER!!!:

Possible SPOILER!!! Skip this if you don't want to know who tonight's new TNA star might be...

TNA plan a battle of MMA stars Quinton ''Rampage'' Jackson vs... Tito Ortiz, He is expected to be the star that debut's tonight.

Child paralysed by WWE move:

WWE are getting some heat in South Africa, not just for reneging on fan commitments after the Randy Orton assault, but in another incident a teenager has been paralysed after a group of bullies used the Undertaker's Tombstone on him at their school.


Rico was fired from his job in Law enforcement a few months ago for working a wrestling match whilst on injury leave from his job, he has today been re-hired on full pay and benefits.

WarGames getting closer?:

WWE are asking fans on their website today who would win The Wyatt's or The Shield, maybe this match will be happening later this year after all. The Wyatt's currently lead with 56% of the vote.


JBL completed his latest mountain climb today, he planted a WWE flag and also left a Michael Cole action figure at the summit of the French Alps.

Taryn Terrell:

Taryn Terrell missed Impact last week because She is making a horror movie. It is not clear if TNA signed off on her appearance in this movie, but a planned run as TNA Women's Champion has apparently been nixed.

Ricardo Rodriguez:

Has had his WWE return pushed back a further week until August 12.

Chris Benoit movie:

Film makers have confirmed that the Chris Benoit biopic will begin filming next year, they are talking to a few actors about the project now, but serious casting sessions will not take place for a few more months yet.

ECW star collapses:

New Jack collapsed at a club recently, he is suffering with blood pressure issues and had neglected to take his medication.

WWE announce special Raw:

WWE are working on a special TV broadcast which will feature all 3 of their main shows in one episode, the first hour would be SmackDown, the 2nd Main Event, and the final hour Raw. Each segment would have a different set and announce team.

WWE backstage news:

Questions are being asked about WWE's refusal to promote Paige to the main WWE roster because of their rule about not taking stars younger than the age of 21 on the road. Some backstage staffers are pointing out the hypocrisy of having 19 year old Jo Jo Offernan on the main roster, even though She has no ring experience and is also under the set age.

Justin Gabriel will turn heel on Jo-Jo during the filming of Total Diva's it is not confirmed if that angle will be brought to the WWE TV's but I expect it will.

Former TNA ref Rudy Charles is refereeing under his own name Dan Engler for NXT.

SummerSlam notes:

Curtis Axel has been pulled from the card, but may appear on the pre show.

Big Show will compete in a Tag Match with Mark Henry vs The Shield despite not being cleared to return from injury yet.

WWE want to have a Total Diva's vs reality stars feature at the PPV, they are working with E! to get some of their reality stars to form a team.

There is not enough time to put them through basic ring training, so it will not be a wrestling match IMO.

TNA sign new deal:

TNA have signed a TV deal with Sony Six in India today.

WWE Alumni:

This weeks new addition is controversial former Women's Champion Alundra Blayze.

The Rock talks his wrestling future:

"I'd like to leave it open. But if I'd never wrestle again, I'd be very content with that. Winning or losing never really mattered to me. The whole idea was to put on a great match. Got injured in that match. Still was able to walk out on my own, which I was more happy about. I don't know. We'll see."

Dixie on Goldberg to TNA rumour:

''Regarding Bill, he is a great talent. We would love to work with him one day."

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