Thursday, August 29, 2013

Today's News

WWE / Mattel poll:

WWE are asking which Tag Team fans would like to be made into an Elite action figure made by Mattel, the options are...

* Hart Foundation

* Fabulous Rougeau's

* Legion Of Doom

* New Age Outlaws

To vote.

Ted DiBiase:

The now former WWE star has landed a new job as an executive for the website, in the Mississippi area.

Santino Marella:

On the verge on his WWE return, Santino has discussed the injury that has cost him most of 2013...

"My neck was bad in March; I had a procedure done called a facet rhizotomy, where they do these injections, and there's a little axillary nerve that comes off. I basically had several things wrong with my neck; bulging discs, herniated discs, stenosis, degenerating discs, but the one thing that was bugging me at the time was arthritis. Out of all that, arthritis doesn't even sound cool. My neck has been fine basically since that procedure, and I did the whole European tour in April and it didn't hurt at all. But then when I renegotiated my contract a year ago, I wanted a little bit of time off just to heal my entire body, spend a little time with my family and live a little bit of life. When you're successful and you're doing well, you're really five days a week, six days a week. Sometimes you won't be home for two or three weeks. I missed a lot of things; I missed a lot of birthdays and baptisms and weddings, and all that kind of stuff. I just wanted to be home a little bit. I tell my friends, 'You know what's better than being Santino Marella around the world? Being Anthony Carelli in Mississauga.'"

New fella for Keibler:

Stacy Keibler is reportedly dating multi millionaire Jared Pobre.

WWE hacked:

WWE.Com was taken offline by a hacker hoping to draw attention to the Syria conflict, the website was down for about an hour yesterday.

The hacker wrote of his handy work...

"World Wrestling Entertainment Down Time To HELP SYRIA By #Fr0styFr0ze #OpSyria #Anonymous."

WWE released this statement...

"I can confirm that the site was down and the issue was resolved in less than 45 minutes."

Triple H DVD trailer released:

Rosa Mendes:

Rosa Mendes came extremely close to losing her job following her recent behaviour on this year's European tour, She was told to get clean or get out, and entered a rehab facility to deal with her alcoholism.

Also on Rosa it has been suggested that she ''Fabricated'' the domestic violence incident She claimed to have suffered at the hands of Former WWE star Jackson Andrews last year.

WWE officials say she is operating on thin ice and hinted that any further incidents would see the end of her WWE career.

TNA on it's last legs:

That is the view of Double Hall Of Famer Ric Flair, he told Steve Austin on his podcast, when asked how much longer the group would be around...

"I don't think much longer. They're making live TV now. Her [Dixie Carter] father's tremendously wealthy, but at some point of time, you've gotta say man".

To which Austin added, "A write-off becomes a loss."

Million Dollar Man talks Andre making a wrestler quit WWE:

''I mean, Andre was a wonderful guy, and I'm going to tell you, Andre was, in my opinion, a very good judge of character. If you were a schmuck, he was going to let you know you were a schmuck. It's true. He either liked you or he didn't like you. There wasn't too many people that disagreed with his opinion. Way in back in like 1979, when I was there working for Vince Sr., I had a tag team match one night. It was me and Andre and Ivan Putski against the Valiant brothers. Andre did not like Putski, at all. Andre told me, 'you tag me, no one else.' 'You bet, boss. Whatever you say.' He made sure I did that. It's like, I would start going to the corner. I was the young guy on the totem pole. I was the one that got beat on. So I'd be reaching to tag and he would just reach way out over past Putski, he made Putski basically stand on the apron the entire match. Putski was not really one of those guys that a lot of people liked. The night that Randy [Savage] and I had the cage match in Madison Square Garden, just prior to our match Andre worked with Bam Bam Bigelow. That's the night Bigelow walked in the dressing room and threw all his stuff together, grabbed his bag and walked out the back door and quit. He came back later, because I actually managed him for a while, and he told me, he said you know what? That's the best thing that ever happened to me. He said, because Andre was right. He said I had a horrible attitude. Andre suggested a new attitude.''

Indy great gets WWE name:

Sami Callihan will now be known as Solomon Crowe.

Australian grappler Matt Silva has also been given a new name, he will be called Buddy Murphy And "Gentleman Bruiser" Ryan Drago is now Simon Gotch.

WWE legend gets married:

Brutus The Barber Beefcake was married earlier this month he has revealed.

Bruno Sammartino:

WWE have dropped plans to produce the biopic of Hall Of Famer Bruno Sammartino. It had been thought WWE's offer to fund the movie had a large part to play in Sammartino finally agreeing to induction earlier this year.

Canadian city to fund Mania bid:

Windsor, Ontario have offered to help fund a bid to host WrestleMania 32 in Detriot, the opposition is Orlando, Florida.

The Canadian's would pay $60,000 of tax payers money to secure the show for their sister city Detroit, where the event would be held at Ford Field.

Kharma to return to WWE?:

Kaitlyn was asked about her dream opponent by WWE.Com this week, She said She wants to face Kharma. Rumours of a return have been swirling for a few months now and Kharma (AKA Awesome Kong) has drastically slimmed down recently (Pic on wall), perhaps dealing with some of the issues WWE had with her during her brief first stint with them.

Bully Ray interview:

On TNA vs WWE...

"Because there are only two major wrestling companies in the United States, so of course the public's perception is that we're in competition with each other. But I don't know how you can really, truly compete with a gigantic mega machine like the WWE when TNA's been around for 11 years. And in 11 years they're very, very successful and they're growing leaps and bounds and there's a tremendous amount of light at the end of the tunnel. But you can't compete. That's like, you know, an up and coming company's little bank trying to compete with Chase Manhattan or whatever. I like to look at it as two separate companies and two separate brands of entertainment that wrestling fans can thoroughly enjoy."

On Sting to WWE... 

"You have to make the smartest business decisions for yourself, for your family and for your career. And if Sting thinks that he has accomplished everything that he possibly could in TNA and he wants to go do that, more power to him."

On D'Von Dudley...

"As of right now, Devon is unfortunately not with TNA Wrestling. Here's the thing about Devon being gone, in my eyes it's a temporary thing."

He also admitted he never wanted to be a singles wrestler.

TNA star no shows taping:

TNA have announced Magnus will not be at Impact tonight, He was booked to face Jeff Hardy, who will instead face Kazarian, no reason for the absence has been offered.

New WWE Alum:

This week 80's legend Hillbilly Jim.

It seems WWE are now adding a new Alum on a fortnightly basis rather than weekly, this is the second consecutive time we have had a 2 week gap between new additions.

Question Of The Day...

Who is the all time greatest WWE tag team???

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