Thursday, August 8, 2013

Today's News

Legend wants WWE return:

Jim The Anvil Neidhart told VOC Nation Sports...

"I really, really, really want to sign a WWE Legends contract. I hope that being back on mainstream TV will help the WWE take notice."

ICP are back:

ICP have released a new music video featuring a wrestler following their controversial Chris Benoit song from earlier in 2013. This one includes a cameo from WWE Alum Rhyno... (2.05)

Daniel Bryan UK TV interview highlights:

Daniel Bryan has been interviewed by Sky Sports to promote SummerSlam...

His favourite beard...

"I'll tell you who had a great beard... Mike Knox. He had an incredible beard. And when I was growing up I liked The Berzerker because he had this awesome, big manly beard. I like guys like that who just let it grow so that it's unkept and is big and burly."

On Cena...

"It depends on how you define 'credit'. He's been the top guy for the last 10 years! But there's a sense that people question his wrestling ability and I don't think that's accurate. If you look at the matches he's put on, he's been part of great matches. Even his match with Mark Henry at Money in the Bank was a fantastic match. You know, people are saying he's not this great wrestler, but for someone who's not a great wrestler he's sure had some great matches! I don't think that's a fair assessment of him."

On criticism about his size...

I don't think there is a right size or a right image. I feel like if there's somebody who captures the minds of the WWE Universe then they should be given an opportunity. I'm not saying that I'll succeed, all I'm saying is that if you give me an opportunity to go out there and try my best and do what I do best then we'll see what happens. I've never asked to be given anything, so let me go out there and prove that I belong there. I'll go out and prove that I can do it."

Hulk Hogan... The Movie:

Hulk Hogan says work has begun on a biopic movie charting his life, and he has named the actor he wants to play the role of himself... His Son Nick.

Stone Cold Steve Austin interview:

On modern wrestling...

"It's a different game out there right now. These kids aren't getting enough time to tell the whole story.... the product inside the ring is at a more accelerated pace, so what comes with that is not total selling of everything you can sell. You do something to elicit a response... It's a short attention span theater and guys are moving faster than I'd like them to be, they're overselling a lot of stuff in the wrong way and underselling stuff in the wrong way as well. Everybody seems to be coming from the same camp these days. That has its pros and its cons."

On Daniel Bryan...

"You've got to have it. You look at a cat like Daniel Brian, who is a hard worker, can wrestle, can tell a great story. The it factor was undiscovered. It has been discovered and now this kid is having great success with super strong talent."

On John Cena...

"Cena can have a great match with anybody, but he needs somebody who can bring it out of him."

TNA star signs new deal:

Despite the backstage issues for TNA, one of their most promising talent's has committed himself to a further two years with the company. British star Magnus, said of his new deal...

"It came down to the wire between TNA, myself, and my agent, but ultimately we came to a mutually beneficial agreement. Simply, earn your spot, and be rewarded. I can only speak for myself, but my career has steadily progressed financially throughout my entire time with the company."

Terrell through with TNA?:

After making a movie, it seems without TNA office approval, Taryn Terrell missed the last TNA taping's, citing personal reasons. TNA have already pulled a planned Knockouts Title run for her, they now say they do not expect her back with the company ''Any time soon''.

She has shot herself in the foot IMO... TNA were really high on her following her ladder match vs Gail Kim, and even Vince McMahon was taking notice, demanding his own female talent raised their game to compete with the standards the TNA ladies set in the bout.

Eric Bischoff:

Eric Bischoff is now in charge of TNA creative, following the departure of Bruce Prichard.

Santino Marella:

Santino Marella has given an out of character tour of his new Wrestling / MMA school and gym, which is in Canada and will open next month.

Garrett Dylan:

WWE have explained why Garrett Dylan was released earlier this week. They say that despite having an incredible passion for the sport, was great in the ring and could cut a promo, they felt he could not portray a character to main roster standard, and his body was not great. They added that He was very well liked and a nice guy. But was ''Average''.

Tyson Kidd:

Tyson Kidd is penciled in to return next month following a long injury lay off.

Ric Flair to WWE:

WWE are preparing to offer Ric Flair a contract to return, however they want him to cut his ties with some of his personal contracts, such as the North Carolina Lottery.

Heartbreak for Jake:

It has been widely reported that Jake The Snake has made it his personal goal to appear in next year's Royal Rumble match, however WWE have said today that they are not even considering offering him a spot. They did throw him a bone though, saying they book the guest appearances as late as possible to avoid spoilers, and they would not make the decision until early - mid January.

Hall Of Fame 2014:

A new name has emerged as a strong favourite to be inducted into the HOF next year... Dr. Death Steve Williams. It will be a posthumous induction however, he died in 2009.

Austin vs HHH cancelled:

Stone Cold Steve Austin will not now face Triple H as Vince McMahon's advocate in the battle for WWE at WrestleMania 30. Vince McMahon rejected the proposal from Creative, He is said to favour having The Rock take the spot. Interestingly a change in booking of the HHH vs McMahon's feud is now being considered, originally the McMahon's would be heel for the rivalry, now HHH is the one expected to take the turn, making a HHH vs Rock match more likely, if The Rock wants to return that is.

JR has given a hint that The Rock's ring days are not yet over...

"My belief is that we have not seen the last of The Rock in the ring. Just knowing him and his competitive nature and the fact that he loves the genre, his life and his family's life in the business I would think that he would want to go out of the business under better circumstances than leaving where his last match resulted in an injury which pushed him to the sideline and didn't let him complete the match as he would have loved to have done."

Sandow talks effect of the Orton fan attack:

He says WWE have tightened security at all events now...

''It is now at a stage where WWE as a company has to handle the legal aspects that come with such situations. All I know is this is just going to tighten our security from this point onwards."


Could Daniel Bryan make a great WWE champion, or are his critics right in saying he is just too small to be the top guy???

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