Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Today's News

TNA pull main event match:

Main Event Mafia vs Aces and 8's, scheduled for Hardcore Justice this week has been pushed back to Impact on August 22. TNA cite unforeseen circumstances, which were beyond their control, in reality it is due to Kurt Angle's latest drugs arrest and subsequent internment into a rehab facility.

The strange thing about this announcement is TNA will tape the August 22 episode the same night as the Hardcore Justice special.


More matches and roles have been confirmed for SummerSlam...

* Natalya vs Brie Bella (Both ladies will have their fellow Total Diva's stars at ringside, so expect it to break down into a mass brawl at some point).

* Dean Ambrose vs Rob Van Dam (US Title)...

Disappointingly this match has been shoved on the pre-show.

The Kick Off Panel will have Shawn Michaels, Booker T and Natalya along with a host, which is TBD.

The National Anthem will be sung by Jo-Jo Offernan of Total Diva's.

Triple H has also been announced as the guest referee for the WWE title match. Interestingly, word is Triple H and Stephanie McMahon will be turning heel at SummerSlam, so this could be screwy, although other sites claim that the heel turn's have been dropped. So it's a case of place your bets and takes your chances, could be interesting viewing though.

They also announced this will be the official theme song...

DVD announced:

WWE will release a best of 2013 DVD at the end of the year they have confirmed via WWEDVDNews.Com.

Raw notes:

Dolph Ziggler took a shot at fellow WWE star and former Tag partner Jack Swagger whilst live tweeting during the show, telling The Uso's to avoid a back drop on the former WWE champ, if they didn't want a 5 week injury vacation. This is referencing the concussion Dolph suffered at the hands of Swagger, which put him on the bench earlier this year, and also it is that injury that Dolph blames for his too short World Title reign.

The biggest chant of the night was in an ad break, when WWE aired a trailer for the new WWE game, a huge Ultimate Warrior chant reverberated throughout the arena.

Post show WWE had Big Show team with Mark Henry against Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, they are still hoping to get this match onto the SummerSlam card, so this may have been a trial to see how Show is doing injury wise.

We will find out at tonight's TV's if he passed that test, it will almost certainly be the last chance to prove he is ready.

Hulk Hogan:

Speculation is rife that after being announced for the new WWE game yesterday, and being put over by JR, Hulk Hogan may be set to return to WWE after he is free of his TNA deal, that is apparently not true, his deal for the game is with the game makers not WWE directly, although WWE do sign off on all appearances before they are confirmed. So for example if 2K Sports wanted to include Chris Benoit on the game, WWE could (And would) be able to stop it from happening.

WWE ref slams online haters:

Marc Harris was taking grief from fans and fellow referee's following a botch he made during the AJ vs Natalya match on Raw last night, he was obviously feeling sensitive about it (Or took a verbal beat down in the back after) because he replied on his social media, with...

"Funny how 'amateur', 'indie', and 'unemployed former refs' think they know it all but have NO IDEA. There's a reason your where your at and I'm where I'm at, a professional referee with the number one entertainment company in the world. I'm the now, your yester year. Keep your opinions to yourself cause I'm definitely not taking advice from someone with less experience and not at a level I am, so continue to hate and I'll continue to work tv's and pay per view. Enjoy your life cause I'm loving mine!"

John Cena:

Possible SummerSlam SPOILER!!!

John Cena's elbow injury is much worse than WWE are letting on and he will require surgery, expect him to disappear for an undetermined length of time after SummerSlam. This will probably mean Daniel Bryan will go over at Sunday's PPV.

Former WWE creative member interviewed:

Dan Madigan spoke to We Want Lucha.

On Vince McMahon's view of Chris Benoit's WWE career...

"I've never heard that term but it really sums up what happened, mid card champion. I don't think he ever really believed how good a wrestler he was, there was an insecurity there. But in terms of wrestling ability, he was hard to match. But then when it comes to cutting a promo and working on the mic, he's not as honed as some of the other guys. I think that may have weighed on his head a little. I think he was just a wrestler at heart. I used to work with him on cutting promos. Some guys, cutting promos, it's just a gift, it comes naturally to them. Sometimes it's even better to have even better mic skills than wrestling skills. He had trouble with it, but he worked at it. I would say to him "Chris maybe it's better to say too little than too much. Think about what you're gonna say and lets make it shorter" He didn't have the charisma that Shawn Michaels did, but who does. Chris got the championship as a reward for years of hard work, but that term, you're right, mid card champion, he almost got lost in the shuffle. He was almost just like someone holding the belt till the next guy."

On WWE's opinion of masked wrestlers...

Revealing that WWE tried to re-sign Ultimo Dragon, recently but only if he dropped the mask...

"He took the mask off which was a smart move, a very smart move. If you're gonna come up from Mexico with a famous gimmick, take the mask off, find a different gimmick don't lose the reputation, that's the awful thing. It's like Ultimo Dragon, he never got the push he deserved because they never knew what to do with him. At one point a few years ago, WWE wanted him to come back but wanted him to take his mask off. It seems like people don't get how important the mask is in Mexico, it's like the essence of the wrestler. Mistico, I think Sin Cara now, he made a big splash, now they don't know what to do with him. Think of merchandising with a masked wrestler, it could be huge. But they don't understand the lucha libre mentality.

Chris Jericho on WWE:

"My WWE schedule now is completely built around where Fozzy is. I wouldn't wrestle if I didn't still enjoy it, and as long as I enjoy getting in the ring from time to time, I'll keep doing it. As far as being a full-time WWE performer, those days are gone though."


Should Triple H turn Heel???

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