Sunday, August 4, 2013

Today's News

WWE Top 10:

This week Daniel Bryan wins...

Raw Angle leaked:

Daniel Bryan will undergo a corporate makeover to ready him for his WWE Title challenge, arranged by Vince and Stephanie McMahon a barber's chair will be set up at some point during the show, where Bryan's beard is to be shaved off.

ROH injury:

BJ Whitmer suffered a worrying injury at an ROH show in Toronto last night, he was hurt when Mike Bennett delivered a piledriver on the apron (Pic on wall). He could not be moved for 15 minutes, and was then stretchered out of the arena. He has since regained feeling in his arms and legs. He will be kept in Hospital until Monday.

Footage of the incident...

Mark Henry interview:

On joining WWE in 1996...

"I was a wrestling fan. That's what got me to the WWE; the fact that they saw me on television talking about how on Saturday, Sunday and Monday were the days I watched wrestling and I didn't like to be bothered. So Vince McMahon called me and said, I appreciate you like what we do. Maybe you should come out sometime and see what we do, and here we are 17 years later."

On his retirement speech...

"It's up there. It's in the top three. In 2006, I did a eulogy with the Undertaker. I preached a sermon that day that I think could go down in history. I also did a promo when I was Sexual Chocolate where I said I had an addiction problem with women and I cried with (former WWE superstar) Chyna, so my ability to do this stuff has always been there. It's just a matter of where I'm put in the pecking order."

Superstar Billy Graham talks Ric Flair:

Zack Gowen interview:

On joining WWE...

"I never thought it was a possiblity. My dreams were to become a decent Indy wrestler. That's all I wanted out of wrestling. I'd done a few matches for TNA and after word spread that there was a one-legged wrestler WWE snatched me up."

On Vince McMahon...

"I owe WWE my life. I really do. I love Vince. He bought me 2 brand new prosthetic legs, $15,000 EACH out of his own pocket in case mine broke on the road and I got stranded. I'd been out of WWE 6 years and they paid for my drug and alcohol treatment and that saved my life. Without WWE, we don't have this conversation. I'm not alive today. WWE saved my life."

CM Punk prefers being a heel:

"It's way more fun to be a bad guy, way more fun. I don't know who I am right now. When I was a 10 year old kid, that's all I cared about was the bad guy."

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