Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Today's News

NXT release confirmed:

As I reported a few days ago Dante Dash's profile has been removed from WWE.Com, today conformation has come through that he has been released by the promotion.


Here is a video of Daniel Bryan leaving the arena after SummerSlam went off the air, and the crowd's reaction to the double title change finish.

Alberto Del Rio assault:

The full story of the pre SummerSlam assault on the World Champion has now emerged. A group of WWE stars were in an Irish bar close to the WWE hotel when a fellow customer made a comment to the female companion of Drew McIntyre, this remark was unheard by Drew, but was heard by Del Rio who confronted the guy making the comment. Whilst arguing with one guy a second hit Del Rio with a bottle, this then exploded into the brawl I reported yesterday.

Cena out:

John Cena's 2013 is over, he will have surgery on his elbow injury, and a torn triceps muscle, which will keep him off the road for 4 - 6 months.

Better news for Cena is he has topped the annual PWI 500 list this year, they cite as reasons....

* Winning the Rumble

* Beating The Rock at Mania

* Winning Money In The Bank

* Becoming an 11 time champion

* Beating CM Punk twice

He is the first wrestler to ever top the list 3 times.

WWE tag teams:

Big Show and Mark Henry will become an official team and will be going after the Tag Team Titles in the coming weeks, also Primo and Epico will now be known as Los Matadores.

Sin Cara injured... Again:

Sin Cara suffered broken fingers during Raw last night, leading to major backstage heat. WWE are already hot with Sin Cara because of being injury prone, so this won't help, however they are also angry that he ended the match early, with what WWE see as a minor injury.

He may require surgery, dependent on the severity of the damage.

WWE 2K14:

New ad released with the legends roster...

Also it seems WWE have dropped Bruno Sammartino from the game, he revealed he had signed on to appear on the game as part of his HOF deal, so unless he is on the main roster, he must have been pulled.

Antonio Cesaro is set to announce himself as a character on the game at an event in Germany later this week.

Scott Hall video diary:

Wow the Bad Guy is looking great, here is the 5 month landmark of Scott Hall's video diary...


Will you miss John Cena???, also will WWE miss him???.

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