Saturday, August 31, 2013

Today's News

Dolph Ziggler heat:

WWE star Dolph Ziggler has confessed he is in trouble with WWE officials for his outspoken attack on Randy Orton (See yesterday).

TNA star accuses UFC boss of ''Slavery'':

Tito Ortiz attacked his former employer, saying...

"Um, I thought slavery was over a long time ago. It's one of those things where you can't trust a word the man says. And when you can't do that, how can you work for him."

Dana White responded with...

"The guy's a moron. To say he was a slave, does he even know what the word slave means? He's one of the stupidest human beings you will ever meet... Now, he's just showing what a two-faced lying sack he is."

They then embarked on a vicious Twitter war.

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles has signed a 3 month contract extension taking him up to the end of 2013.


WWE have again confirmed many TNA stars are continuing to contact them looking to make the switch, but reiterated that they are not interested in signing any TNA stars, with the single exception of Matt Morgan, who is in talks with them.

WWE diva appears in ad:

New signing Brittany Fetkin can be seen at the end of this ad for Nascar / Hewlett Packard.

WrestleMania 32 location revealed:

Despite WWE getting the winning and losing cities to remain tight lipped over the decision of the venue for 2016's WrestleMania, they did not get the same agreement from Windsor, Ontario, who were helping to fund the bid for Detroit. 

The local paper in Windsor have confirmed that Detroit LOST in their bid to get the show, meaning Orlando, Florida will be the hosts.

The Rock:

The Rock says he has still not recovered from his WrestleMania injuries...

"3 hernia surgeries 100% healed. Rectus/adductor tears bout 75%. Thx bud. #FunPain"

RVD talks his longevity:

"I haven't aged. I've always taken care of myself and I'm a non-conformist, so I don't accept the negativity that comes with birthdays. I'm 42 but I feel way better than I did at 18."

Hall Of Fame:

WWE are considering inducting their long term doctor Dr. James Andrews into the Hall Of Fame at some point in the future, to thank him for his years of looking after the WWE roster.

Diva's Title SPOILER!!!:

WWE plan on having AJ defend and lose the Diva's Title at Night Of Champions against an as yet unnamed member of the Total Diva's cast. This footage will make up the final episode of this season of the show.

Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton:

The current feud between Orton and Bryan will span the next 3 PPV's (NOC, BattleGround and HIAC). There is no word on whether Daniel will win back the title during the feud but Randy Orton is heavily written into the WWE Title stories through until the Royal Rumble, so expect him to get the better of Bryan in the long run.

Question Of The Day...

Which ''Total Diva'' Should get the Diva's Title shot???

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