Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Today's News

Hulk Hogan video interview:

On putting others over, his 2002 WWE run and more...

On Lack of Characters, Bret Hart feud and more...

On WWE return and TNA...

On Finger poke of doom, Shawn Michaels match, and Chris Benoit...

Million Dollar Man interview:

On nixed WWF title run and creation of his own belt...

''I believe it was a conversation I had with again, Pat Patterson, and he said to me, he said let me ask you a question. What would put greater heat on you? If we go and at Wrestlemania have the tournament and in any underhanded way you win the title. It's kind of like, that's been done. He said or, you don't win the title and as a result of not winning the title and getting your way, you create your own title. Basically you just turn your nose at the World Championship and say you know what, I don't need that belt. I'm creating my own championship belt. Here it is and parade around with this thing. It's like you have your own championship match every night. You're declaring yourself the Million Dollar Champion and I said that's the ticket. That will just make people boil. And so that's what we did.''

On heat with Honky Tonk Man over the nixed title run...

''God, no. That's the thing is, people have said this about me, that I could have been even higher up the food chain if instead of always wanting to do what was best for me, I always wanted to do what was best for business, if that makes sense.''

On working with Randy Savage...

''It was great. Randy and I had, we had great matches and I think one of the best cage matches I ever had was the cage match with him at Madison Square Garden. It was the one. People got so excited that actually one of the times Virgil tried to climb up on the outside of the cage. A fan jumped the barricade and tried to climb up the cage too to try and get him down. It was pretty hot. And Randy was a pleasure to work with.''

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* The Miz vs Randy Orton

* Damien Sandow vs Rob van Dam

* Dolph Ziggler vs The Shield (Handicap match)

* Tons OF Funk vs The Wyatt's

* Daniel Bryan vs Ryback

Scott Stanford:

Scott Stanford has changed jobs, leaving WNBC to join WPIX in New York.

DVD name changed:

The 50 years of WWE DVD is now to be called...

"The History of WWE: 50 Years of Sports Entertainment."


Recent WWE signings have today been given their ring names...

* Stephen Cole > Cole Andrews 

* Smith James > Bull Dempsey 

* Strongman Adam Scherr > Braun Stowman 

* CJ Perry > Lana 

* Britney Fetkin > Devin Taylor 

* Erika Hammond > Veronica Lane 

* Lexi Kaufman > Alexa Bliss 

* Rebecca Quinn > Becky Lynch

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee is receiving rave reviews following her Raw promo this week. She had been asked to cut an anti - promo on the Total Diva's show, while the camera's recorded the girls in the back's reaction for footage to be used on the show. The plan was for AJ to be added to the cast for season 2. AJ took the ball She was given and ran with it, and WWE officials were extremely impressed with her performance. Stephanie McMahon in particular has come out through her social media to openly praise the Diva's Champion, another star impressed was CM Punk.

Matt Morgan:

Despite saying they are not interested in recently released TNA stars Matt Morgan IS in talks with WWE, although they are not yet in a position where the deal is close to being signed.

Brock Lesnar:

Brock Lesnar will be back for the Royal Rumble, he was to return for a Hell In A Cell match vs CM Punk later this year, that has now been moved back.

Jacques Rougeau vs Shawn Michaels:

Jacques Rougeau has recalled a backstage falling out with Shawn Michaels...

"We were all sitting in the cafeteria for a TV day. He [Michaels] just started picking on me. Maybe I wasn't in a good mood or something like that, and then it finally got to the point where he said, I'm not the [British] Bulldogs.' And he threatened me in front of everybody, and I had just come out of a [real life] feud with the Bulldogs. So I backed down, I turned around and left. So he thought he won the battle. The next day I thought I had to save face, so as soon as he walked into the arena, I told him in front of Marty Jannetty, and my brother Raymond was standing on the side, I said, 'I wanna talk to you in the room.' So he looked at me and said, 'Oh yeah?' I said, 'Don't worry, I just want to talk to you in the room.' So he walked in the room and I came up to his face and I said, 'Shawn, the next time you talk to me like you did like that, I'm going to punch your teeth out. You hear me?' And he's like putting his face down. He did the job that night."


Wrestler turned actor Robert Maillet is the latest star showcased in WWE's ''Where Are They Now?'' feature.

Bischoff discredited:

Cory Ledesma of WWE games has proven Eric Bischoff wrong (See yesterday). He says they did do a deal with Hulk Hogan for the game, but conceded it was a challenge. Ledesma also stated they didn't get everyone they wanted, because some were working for other promotions and they were told ''Hands off'' when they approached those stars, he did not confirm who they wanted, but it is thought to be Kurt Angle.


Who is the best WWE star turned actor???

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