Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Today's News

Real men cry:

Knux (Formerly Mike Knox) has revealed he cried ''A lot'' after D'Von Dudley left TNA recently.

Ted DiBiase Jr.:

Mixed reaction from fellow workers upon hearing the news of Ted DiBiase's resignation from WWE yesterday, many in WWE took the news with a shrug of the shoulders, as if the news was expected, He has apparently been very open about his feelings with friends on the roster. He has been widely praised for his abilities by former stars, and WWE have received some criticism for allowing this to happen, including his Father the legendary Million Dollar Man, who admitted to frustrations at WWE's recent handling of his Son.

Interestingly though some have called the move a tactical gamble, saying his annoyance at being at the very bottom of the WWE pecking order, and his inability (Or his critics may say lack of desire) to get back to his previous status on the card had led him to take a calculated risk. They theorised that by quitting He would force WWE to pay attention to him, and He would find out how much WWE wanted to keep him around, He also hopes to gain the respect of WWE officials by taking this bold step.

Personally I can understand his decision, (And He is not the first Tyler Reks quit citing very similar reasons last year), to be on the road 280 days a year and travelling the country and the world just to be jerking the curtain in dark, or at best Superstars matches, whilst their newly born child is growing and developing without them must be a really horrible feeling, dream turning into a nightmare.

Raw notes:

Rosa Mendes returned as The Miz's valet for a Tag match, She had been off TV since her bad behaviour on the European tour earlier this Summer.

Alberto Del Rio vs Rob Van Dam for the World Title was confirmed for Night Of Champions.

CM Punk vs Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman was also added to the PPV card.

Jerry Lawler to mark anniversary:

September 10th will be the one year anniversary of the heart attack that almost cost Jerry Lawler his life, he plans to mark the date by wrestling Austin Idol in Mississippi.

Maria vs The Bella's continues:

In a ridiculous tweet by The Bella's after AJ Lee's promo on Raw yesterday, where they criticized her for using top male wrestlers to get to where She is, (Erm, hello who are you both dating???) former Diva Maria Kanellis responded with another dig at the twins, again bringing up The Bella's costing Her and some of her fellow female Alumni a WrestleMania return earlier this year...

"@Nicoleandbri really on your own? You 2 are the "fluffers" of the locker room. And you held back 3 other girls from getting contracts... learn a little bit about professionalism. The universe will take care of you. God Bless."

Hall Of Famer Mick Foley took to his Facebook to defend the Bella's.

WWE 2K 14:

This years WWE video game has been rated ''T'' for teen audiences and older.

Jim Ross:

Jim Ross started his speaking tour of the UK last night in Manchester.

CM Punk on HOF:

"Ultimate Warrior. Better be hall of fame bound. Savage too. All them Poffos."

WWE signings, or lack thereof:

The Brisco's are said to be looking for a return to ROH after growing frustrated by WWE's lack of movement in signing them to a contract.

Also on potential newcomers, a WWE insider has stated that WWE are not interested in signing any TNA stars, feeling the talent in their own developmental group are as good as or better than any star on the TNA roster.

They are interested in Prince Devitt after He was recommended by William Regal.

Hulk Hogan:

More on the heat on Hogan with TNA, they are not only unhappy about the WWE games appearance, they are also angry about him taking on personal appearances and media commitments independent of the promotion. There is currently a lot of debate within TNA as to whether or not Hogan is worth the money they are paying him, and chances of his leaving the promotion as a cost cutting measure are said to be increasing.

Eric Bischoff has slammed the rumours, and has claimed Hogan did no deal with the game makers, and that they are repackaging old footage to include Hogan...

"Interesting to read the 'choir of idiots' suggesting that Hulk did a deal with 2K Sports. Illustrates just how ignorant these 'experts' are And how these 'experts' are attempting to frame a narrative to sell thier b.s. There is no Hulk Hogan/2K Sports deal. WWE is simply utilizing tradmarks/assets they currently own in a repackaged video game. Nothing new. But thats not what the parasites and morons who run dirt sites want you to know."

Also on Hogan, He says He is open to wrestling Tag Team matches, but singles bouts are out of the question.


Are there any TNA stars you think deserve a chance at WWE level???

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