Friday, August 23, 2013

Today's News

Triple H interview:

Highlights include...

* Stephanie's role in WWE

* Why Ryback is the next big thing

* Stone Cold Steve Austin being tough to work with

* The WWE betting scammer


Here is the ad for the next One Night Only show, this time featuring the Women...

Steve Austin responds to heat over... ''WHAT!!!'':

He says wrestlers constantly complain to him about the negative affect his catchphrase has had on the business...

"The fact that my presence is still felt, or my influence is still felt, it's an honor and a privilege... Everybody always says 'What?!' ruins everybody else's promos. It does not! If you leave that gap in between your sentences, your words, your phrasing... don't interrupt your cadence and give them that end for the 'What?!' If you just keep talking, just like I'm doing, I don't give you a chance to say it."

John Cena:

John Cena says he has set a goal to be back fit and healthy in time for WrestleMania, adding that 6 months is now the official time frame for his return, it was estimated at 4 - 6 months before his surgery.

TNA release:

The latest star dropped by TNA is So Cal Val, ending a nine year run with the promotion.

Goldberg to WWE:

WWE are officially looking to bring Goldberg back for one more match, vs Ryback at WrestleMania 30. Goldberg says talks are not currently ongoing, but his anti - WWE stance is lessening, due to his Son wanting him to have one more run, and he is also going to be heavily featured by WWE this year with a DVD collection and a spot on the new video game. The real world dislike of Ryback's gimmick by Goldberg, and the frustration Ryback has at constantly being compared to the former WCW star means the feud will pretty much write itself, if the deal can be done.

Ric Flair responds to WWE heat:

Speaking on Steve Austin's podcast show Ric Flair has responded to the anger WWE have about his behaviour at the WWE event held the night before SummerSlam, Austin also attended that event...

"They just told me to entertain them, and I did. Apparently it wasn't received the way it was supposed to be. The people running the game loved it. The problem is that corporate WWE is mad at me, which upsets me because I love the company and respect them so much. I guess we just drifted, and I told stories because they wanted the focus of the evening to be on the game. Everybody at the game was happy with it. I had appeared for them in the afternoon, I did a great deal for them and that came off wonderfully. I don't know… I'm dumbfounded by this."

He has now caused an indy show to be cancelled, deciding to cancel an appearance to go to a higher paying event, meaning the promoter can not now afford to host the show, due to loss of ticket sales and refunds.

The meeting has happened:

Over the SummerSlam weekend, whilst WWE were hosting their Axxess event CEO Vince McMahon went to meet with a former star who was also in town on WWE business, He was promoting his spot on the game. That man was the Ultimate Warrior 

No word has come out officially about what was discussed, or how the discussions went. I will let you know when it does.

AJ Styles:

TNA officials say they would like to keep AJ Styles around, and that talks are ongoing, but, added that they would only keep him if it made sense financially, hinting that AJ is asking for more money than they are prepared to offer. There is a very real possibility that AJ is on his way.

He is not the only one either, Mr. Anderson is closer to his expiry date than AJ is, and talks are not going well. The official says it is coming down to the wire in his case.

TNA are changing the way they recruit talent, they plan on hiring only young stars, and are sending out scouts to find undiscovered youngsters to freshen up their decimated roster.

SummerSlam backstage notes:

Ryback's bullying angle is to lead to a face turn and top level push, (Another strong hint to Goldberg's return, he wants to be heel when he comes back).

The match result in the CM Punk vs Brock match was changed at the start of last week, because Lesnar wants to face Taker at Mania, and if they can get Taker to agree to the match, they would want Lesnar to look as strong as possible, the feeling is he loses too often, so they gave him this one.

John Cena wrestled in the main event against doctor's wishes, he was told not to compete, but demanded to be given the chance to put Daniel Bryan over before he left.


Would you like to see the Ultimate Warrior back on WWE TV???.

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