Monday, August 26, 2013

Today's News

DDP to HOF?:

A call to have Diamond Dallas Page to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame has been made by the reporter that featured his work with Jake The Snake Roberts and Scott Hall on HBO. He said Page deserves to be recognized, not just for his years in the ring, but for his work improving the lives of fellow stars since he retired.

Boxer sends out ''Come and get me'' message:

46 year old Riddick Bowe wants to start a wrestling career, and has asked promotions to come and get him...

"Looking into get into pro wrestling partners. Contact my manager if u can help. I want to be first heavyweight boxing champions and heavyweight wrestling champion. I have trained hard with those bumps."

Tommy Dreamer has offered to train him for free at his House Of Hardcore school.

D'Von leaves TNA:

It seems D'Von has decided not to accept a backstage role within TNA, tweeting in response to a fan he wrote of his status...

"no i'm not done lol i'm just done with tna . had good years with the boys there and now its time to move on"

He later clarified that He is not retired, but will not be back with TNA.

AJ Styles may follow, He is set to sit down for another round of contract talks later this week, but money is talking, and AJ is not impressed with what TNA have currently offered.

Goldberg talks WrestleMania 30:

''At the moment I have no plans to be there... But things change''.

He also discussed his remorse over the kick that ended Bret Hart's career, Saying He will never forgive himself. That he has more talent in one finger than Ryback possesses, and that he has 2 movies coming out soon.

Other highlights...

On people who say he can't work...

"Everybody saying that Goldberg can't wrestle, and Goldberg can only do two minute matches. Why should I do anything more? Why would you do anything more to satiate the people when they're already standing there and on their feet. So, am I a good wrestler? Hell no, I've never wrestled."

On HOF induction...

"I don't know. To me, does it mean that I've accomplished greater things in wrestling? Absolutely not. Is it something that before I die, I have to strike off my bucket list? Absolutely not. If it was offered to me, I'd seriously consider it. But is it something that I'm longing for, and my life is not complete without it? I love Pete Rose to death, and Pete Rose is in the Hall of Fame. He didn't put asses in seats like I did. Maybe on the baseball field. So the answer's no."


WWE DVD News have released the intro for the Mid South DVD...

Raw Official teaser:

* If Punk takes care of business against Axel, is Heyman next to feel his wrath? 

* Will Big Show & Mark Henry be the force to finally crush The Shield? 

* Will Alberto Del Rio be looking for retribution against Rob Van Dam & Ricardo Rodriguez? 

* What did The Wyatt Family do with Kane? 

* What might powers that be do next to keep Daniel Bryan down?

Hogan Heat - Leaving TNA?:

TNA have contradicted Hulk Hogan's claims that TNA supported his appearance on this years WWE video game, calling it a ''Slap in the face'', it was also hinted that Hulk Hogan's contract is set to expire in the next couple of months, and that He has missed some taping's to save the company money.

WWE star quits:

Ted DiBiase Jr. has decided He will not re-sign for WWE when his contract expires, He wants to concentrate on being a Parent and other ventures away from the ring. He says he will never say never to a return in the future, but for now he needs to step away.

He has had a really horrible time with injuries in the past couple of years, and had been thought to be about to quit at the end of last year, but was talked out of leaving then.

Who is the stiffest worker in WWE?:

Well, according to Brodus Clay, it is Christian.

He also revealed why he is not in Total Diva's, saying he is private and does not want to have his personal life showcased in that way.

He added that he does not have a personal relationship with Cameron away from the ring, but is friends with Naomi.


Does DDP deserve HOF Induction???

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