Saturday, August 3, 2013

Today's News

Diamond Dallas Page:

DDP is giving away $25,000 to users of his DDP Yoga program.

He is asking users to blog their progress, he will then pick 3 and award them $5,000 each, they will then have their development monitored and featured on the DDP Yoga site until a grand prize winner is selected from the 3, and will win a further $10,000.

Former Diva's land acting roles:

Nikita, AKA Katie Lea Burchill and Winter has landed a spot on Sci-Fi series Tinker, and Angela Fong will play a role in the movie Black Tiger.

Kurt Angle:

Kurt Angle was arrested for DUI for the 6th time last night Police were called to investigate a reckless driver, and when they found the car in question it was Angle in the driving seat. When opening the door a pervasive odour of alcohol spewed from the vehicle and Angle was taken to a nearby police station, he was later released on a $2,000 bond.

He later said that with TNA's help and support he had decided to enter himself into a rehab facility...

"I am blessed to have the support of my family, my friends and my company. In light of recent events I will immediately be entering a rehabilitation center. I realize that this is a pivotal time in my life and I ask for your understanding as well as your prayers and continued support. I am confident that in taking these steps I can begin to address necessary changes in my life."

This will mean He will be off TNA TV for the foreseeable future.

No word on who will take Angle's spot on MEM vs Aces And Eights at Hardcore Justice at this time.

Dixie Carter added...

"The TNA Family is very supportive of the steps @RealKurtAngle is taking in his recovery. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers."

Randy Orton:

Randy Orton's attacker has been charged with the assault, he plead Guilty and was told he would either have to pay 500 Rand or spend 30 days in prison. He acknowledge he was wrong for doing it, and was given a three year suspended sentence, and has been banned from attending future WWE events.

Boy denies ''WWE style'' murder:

Devalon Armstrong has denied killing his 5 year old Sister by using what was described as ''WWE style moves''. The 13 year old boy will now face a trial on August 23.

Gutcheck over?:

An indy star (Danny Davis) who had a Gutcheck appearance booked has been told that he will not now appear, this accompanied by the release of Bruce Prichard has led to speculation that TNA may have dropped the segment's from their show.

TNA issues continue:

DirecTV have decided not to air the next One Night Only TNA 10 Reunion PPV, because of low figures for the last one.

Want a legend to come to your house?:

King Kong Bundy is offering fans in the New Jersey area the chance to have him visit their house to watch Monday Night Raw's with them... for a price. If you are interested further info is here.

MSG DVD intro released:

Big E. Langston:

Big E. Langston received high praise for his work on the international tours last week.

Big Show's SummerSlam ultimatum:

Big Show will be assessed this weekend, it will be his last chance to get medical clearance to return for SummerSlam or WWE will have to re-work the script.

It is felt that they need to start the Shield vs... Story line this week, and they need to know if Show can work the match or not now, so if not they will have time to write a new storyline feud for The Shield.

Baby Doll:

Highlight's from a great Inside The Ropes interview with former valet Baby Doll...

Working with Hall Of Famers Dusty Rhodes and Tully Blanchard...

"I was very fortunate because Dusty liked me and even though he didn't like Tully, we worked well together and I think that's why Dusty worked with us because Tully knew how to work against Dusty and not take anything away from him. Dusty was a phenomenal athlete. More than once he'd do a standing dropkick just to show people he could do it. Everyone talks about Ric Flair, but Dusty was as much if not more over than Flair was. Dusty was more of a man's man, son of the plumber. People just recognised with Dusty more than anyone else."

On current women's wrestling...

"I liked Trish Stratus. She took it to a different level back in the day. Now with the girls, I love AJ, I don't know what it is. But the look on her face and how she sells a match. I really am a big fan of hers. I like the Bellas. The Bellas are good. Really all the girls from Mickie James to ODB, Velvet Sky, there's not a girl that isn't a star. There's so many stars, there's really good opportunities for the girls too.''

On Dixie Carter and what is wrong with TNA...

"She loves wrestling. I think she truly loves what she does even though she may not have a clue as to the right way to do it. She has that love and passion and I think overall she wants to have an excellent product. I'm just not a big fan of Hogan and I'm not a big fan of Bischoff just because of what their track record of business is. I mean Hogan's great in the ring, but business wise, he has a tendency to bring down promotions. With TNA, you kinda have to look at their numbers and look at their show... I want TNA to be successful. I wanna see newer guys. I love Bully Ray to death, but if I see him open up that show one more time saying 'Do you know who I am?' I don't care who you are, I wanna see someone new! I don't wanna see... and god bless him.... I don't wanna see a 50 year old Sting, I don't wanna see Hogan, I don't wanna see The Dudley Boyz. I saw those guys 20 years ago. I wanna see new guys, I wanna see Zema Ion, I wanna see the Joey Ryan's, I wanna see the new guys coming up. I don't wanna see stuff that I saw 20 or 30 years ago. There's so many new stars that are out there, I don't wanna see Hogan anymore. I saw Hogan 30 years ago, I'm tired of seeing Hogan. And Brooke Hogan, god bless her, she's dumber than a bag of rocks. She could not do a promo to save her life. She can't even get 4 sentences out without goofing it up. They need to get someone else different in there, they really do because people are turning it off, they don't wanna see it anymore."

Shaggy's Wrestling Page blog:

This week's blog on our sister page is...

Should WWE Revert to their old PPV structure???...

Full article at this link.

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