Monday, August 19, 2013

Today's News

SummerSlam news and notes:

Dean Ambrose retained the US Title in the pre show match. As expected his Shield buddies, and Big Show and Mark Henry involved themselves, with RVD winning by DQ after Reigns attacked him in the ring.

Bray Wyatt won the ring of fire match on his SummerSlam debut beating Kane, with more than a little help from his friends.

Cody Rhodes beat Damien Sandow in a solid match, Rhodes pinned Sandow clean after a cross Rhodes.

Alberto Del Rio (Sporting a black eye, more on this later) retained the World Title beating Christian in a really good match.

Natalya Neidhart beat Brie Bella in the Total Diva's match. The crowd were really disappointing in this one, chanting for any one but the people in the ring, whatever your view of Women's wrestling, they at least deserve respect for putting their bodies on the line for the fans, bad form IMO.

Brock Lesnar bt CM Punk in the match of the year, Heyman repeatedly involved himself. The match was made a no DQ bout earlier in the show, and lived up to all the hype and then some.

Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn bt Big E. Langston & AJ Lee on her supercard debut, Ziggler pinned Langston.

Daniel Bryan became the new WWE Champion beating John Cena, only to drop it right away.

Bryan was celebrating in the ring when Randy Orton's music hit, he walked to the ring, but then seemed to change his mind, and began to walk back, then Triple H hit Daniel with the Pedigree, Orton stepped into the ring handed his MITB case over to HHH and pinned D-Bry to end his brief reign as Champ.

So the show ended with two major heel turns Hunter and Orton.


Christian told WWE.Com that he is a lot to consider following his loss to Alberto Del Rio... (Retirement???)

Natalya dedicated her win to her Grandfather Stu, Uncle's Owen and Bret, and her dad Jim The Anvil Neidhart.

Big Show fumed at the end of the show, threatening to knock Triple H out...

CM Punk says He is not finished with Paul Heyman.

Punk and Lesnar were given a standing ovation by the other wrestlers as they returned to the back following their incredible match.

Today's Photo is a shot of a dejected Daniel Bryan sitting on the ramp after the show had gone off the air.

Betting scammer scuppered:

The Reddit user who had been revealing PPV results for people to bet on has blogged on his failure to predict SummerSlam's results, revealing WWE's steps to stop his scheme....

"First and foremost, I want to make it clear that this has been my only account, and my only user name that I have ever posted on. I am not on any social media. I don't post on any other forums, and I have never revealed myself to anyone. The rumors claiming that I have been caught by WWE are totally false. I have not contacted the WWE in any way and my identity is well protected. From the information I have received, WWE Personnel will do anything to ensure I do not go undefeated again. It is my understanding that some of the matches on tonight's card have multiple scripts, including the MAIN EVENT, which to my knowledge, Vince changed on a whim TODAY. Therefore, it would be fruitless and deceiving to post all spoilers to an event where the outcomes have otherwise not yet been fully revealed. I am still in communication with my source; and if I am able to receive credible information regarding match outcomes, I will post them on my newly created twitter account @dolphinsreddit as well as on this thread to anyone who is interested."

Alberto Del Rio assaulted:

The real reason for Alberto Del Rio's facial injuries has emerged, he was assaulted outside the WWE hotel on Saturday night by two men at an Irish bar, a verbal confrontation involving ADR and one or two men escalated and he was attacked outside, Fellow WWE star Drew McIntyre jumped in to help the World Champion, but took a kicking too, when friends of the two men involved themselves in the altercation.

WWE explained the injury, saying Christian's finish the kill switch had caused the damage, however he did not have the injury during the pre PPV festivities.

AJ Lee milestone:

AJ Lee has become the first female WWE star to pass 1 million followers on Twitter.

Raw teaser:

* What does CM Punk have planned for Paul Heyman and his minions? 

* How will Christian rally to make another run at the World Title? 

* Who will Bray Wyatt target next? 

* How will Daniel Bryan recover from being betrayed at SummerSlam, can he recover? 

* What's next for Randy Orton and how does Triple H fit into the plans?

Tag team to be repackaged:

Primo and Epico are to be given a Matador gimmick in the coming weeks.

Flair heat with WWE:

WWE are hot with Ric Flair after he ''Hi-Jacked'' a WWE 2K14 video game press conference, he was due to sign a new WWE legends deal on Saturday, and have a guest appearance at SummerSlam, both were pulled because of his behaviour at the games event.

Paige to come up:

NXT Women's champ Paige, who recently turned 21, may be on her way to the main roster, Paul Heyman says he is going to NXT to recruit a new Heyman girl, She is expected to be that girl.

John Cena:

John Cena will have his elbow surgery this week, his length of absence will not be known until the surgery is done. Word from the back is he plans to be gone as long as is needed, hoping to return 100%. He usually rushes himself back as early as possible, but is not thought to be willing to do so this time. He also suffered an eye injury at SummerSlam last night.

Matt Striker:

Matt Striker will host the WWE MSG DVD, the footage is thought to have been filmed before he left the company earlier this year.

Roddy Piper snubbed:

Roddy Piper is one of many big names omitted from the WWE 2K14 video games legends roster, and he is not happy...

"No Roddy Piper in 30 yrs of WM? Then it's not 30 yrs of WM!"

Maryse talks missing WWE:

"I like having a social life, I like not being on the road 280 days a year and do whatever I want to do and work on other projects. To be honest with you, I kind of miss the entertainment part of it, being able to walk down the ramp, flipping my hair, giving people the hand... so I miss that part, but when you leave, you have to understand that you're leaving that behind... But I love my life now."


What did you think of SummerSlam 2013???

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