Friday, August 16, 2013

Today's News

Bryan blames Cena:

Daniel Bryan has blamed John Cena for his 2010 WWE firing, he acknowledged the incident (The Nexus invasion angle) and the widely reported reason for his release, (Choking out Justin Roberts with his tie), but also added that he spat at John Cena, and it is that He blames for the severity of the punishment...

"WWE is very serious about adhering to their PG guidelines, and apparently my actions during the NXT attack on John Cena, namely choking announcer Justin Roberts with his tie and spitting in Cena's face, crossed the boundaries of what is considered 'PG. Perhaps the choking was too violent or perhaps the spit was too demeaning. I apologized for both immediately following the incident; but I would be a hypocrite if I apologized for putting everything I have into the attack. I would much rather have gone too far than to come up too short."


Tito Ortiz turned heel to help Bully Ray regain the TNA World Championship last night.


For 22/8...

* Bobby Roode & Kazarian vs Gunner & James Storm

* Manik vs Sonjay Dutt

* Christopher Daniels vs Hernandez vs Jay Bradley vs Joseph Park

* Gail Kim vs ODB

* Aces And Eights vs Main Event Mafia

The loser of the fall in this match was fired, and a big name returned to take Kurt Angle's spot.

TNA also announced that the next TV special will be No Surrender, with this promo...

Velvet Sky no showed the taping's.

Darren Young:

Darren Young has been doing the media rounds following his announcement (See yesterday), he revealed he talked to an openly gay NBA star to ask advice before making the public statement, and that his lover was the reason he made the choice to speak out (Pic to follow).

The WWE chief has added his support to Darren...

Vince McMahon said...

"I respect @DarrenYoungWWE's decision to come out and am happy to see the support from the WWE Universe." 

His former Girl Friend, fellow WWE star Tamina has also had her say...

"@DarrenYoungWWE It takes a lot of Heart and Courage to Know Who Are #YouAreAmazing"

Former ref to wrestle:

Good to luck Jimmy Korderas who will have his first ever wrestling match this weekend.

Trish Stratus:

Has announced She is to have a baby boy next month (Pic on wall).

New SummerSlam match:

Big Show has been cleared to compete at SummerSlam, however WWE now has no time to create a story for a match, so the plan is to use the Pre Show kick off match between Dean Ambrose and Rob Van Dam as a reason for a tag match. The plan is The Shield would be helping Ambrose retain his title, with Show and Henry coming out to even the odds, leading to a 6 man tag match on the main show later in the night.

Ex creative writer reveals some backstage stories:

Andrew Greenfield was interviewed by John Pollock...

When Vince called Christian ugly...

"Right before I started, there was a big show, I think it might have been in Toronto. Christian was just so completely over, and everybody thought he was going to get a push at, I think it was the World Heavyweight Championship at that point. We were on the plane one time shortly after I started, and Vince was just like 'God damn, I just don't like his face. His face really bothers me.' I was like, 'He's ugly, Vince?' 'No, it's not that he's ugly, it's just, I don't know, it's ratty! You know what we should do? That Kennedy gimmick.' And we're all like, 'What?' Some scion of the Kennedy fortune I guess got arrested for rape in the 1990s at some point. When the woman who was accusing him was on the stand, all of the networks put a blue dot over her face. Vince was like, 'God damn, you know what we should do? We should put a blue dot over his face whenever he comes out.' It was the flight to Sheffield, England, also the flight where the Spirit Squad idea was invented. This was a whole flight of bad ideas."

On Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels backstage fight...

"I always found Shawn to be an entitled prick. He tried this sh-t with Angle one night; Angle wasn't having it, and threw him around like a rag-doll. I remember I was supposed to do some sort of stand-up interview, a backstage deal with Angle afterward, and Shawn comes up like a house of fire, like 'You were taking liberties!' And it's because Shawn was booked to lose a match and started his overselling nonsense, because that's the kind of thing he always did because he's a guy who hated losing. I don't argue with anyone that, when he's working with friends in exactly the way he wants, yes, he's one of the best performers of all time. That doesn't mean you're one of the best performers of all time, though, if you can't do it with people who aren't your friends."

Triple H talks transition from the ring to the boardroom:


Film makers of the next See No Evil movie have announced they want to make Kane's character Jacob Goodnight a horror icon, hinting at many more movies to come in the franchise.

Big Show:

Show announced at an event last night that he has signed a 5 year active WWE deal.


Were WWE right to fire Daniel Bryan for embarrassing John Cena???

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