Saturday, August 17, 2013

Today's News

Lex Luger interview:

On being promised the WWF title...

"Contrary to what people believe, I was never told I was going to be given any kind of title. The only discussion me and Vince [McMahon] had was what to do with the Lex Luger character in the future if he DID decide to put the title on me. But no, I was never told I'd be WWF Champion at any point."

On joining WCW...

"On reflection, that was a pretty bad move by me. Me and Vince had a verbal agreement. I worked for him for 6 months without any sort of contract as my contract had expired. My mistake came when WCW signed me. I didn't get to have a conversation with Vince to tell him I'd be leaving. But that was 100% my fault."


4 New names have been confirmed ahead of tonight's full roster reveal for this year's WWE video game...

* Stephanie McMahon

* Darren Young

* Rey Mysterio

* Daniel Bryan


The roster has now been revealed, mainly for the legends section of the game, but a few more active stars have also been thrown in too...

Alberto Del Rio
Andre the Giant
Big John Studd
Big Show
Big Show (Retro)
Bret Hart
Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar (Retro)
Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho (Retro)
CM Punk
Daniel Bryan
Darren Young
Dolph Ziggler
Hulk Hogan
‘Hollywood’ Hulk Hogan
John Cena
John Cena (Retro)
Kane (Retro)
King Kong Bundy
Mick Foley
Randy Orton
‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage
Razor Ramon
Ric Flair
Ric Flair (Retro)
Ricky Steamboat
Sergeant Slaughter
Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels (Retro)
Stephanie McMahon
‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin
Ted DiBiase (Million Dollar Man)
The Miz
The Rock
The Rock (Retro)
Triple H
Triple H (Retro)
Ultimate Warrior
Undertaker (Retro)
Undertaker (American Bad Ass)

TNA release:

TNA have released Brooke Hogan.

SummerSlam final card:

WWE Title...

John Cena (C) vs Daniel Bryan (Special Referee: Triple H)

World Title...

Alberto Del Rio (C) vs Christian

Ring of Fire Match...

Kane vs. Bray Wyatt 

CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar

Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow 

Dolph Ziggler and Kaitlyn vs. Big E Langston And AJ Lee 

Natalya vs. Brie Bella


United States Title...

Dean Ambrose (C) vs Rob Van Dam

New career for WWE's greatest female worker:

Beth Phoenix says She will start studying towards a law degree in the next few weeks at Kaplan University.

Shaggy's Wrestling Page blog:

This week the WCW Invasion.


Today I want your SummerSlam predictions... Mine will be in the comments section.

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