Thursday, August 22, 2013

Today's News

New NXT profiles:


Conor O'Brian.

Luther Ward.

Sami Zayn.

Chris Jericho on WWE talent management:

"I don't see it that way. Wrestling is all about new talent and new turnaround of the stars. I could be the main event guy there for 20 years, but there's going to have to be other guys that come into that picture or else it's pretty boring and business will go really bad. There's only so much Jericho or so much HHH or so much Rock people can take. So you try different guys - some of them are bigger and don't really have the talent, they have more of the look. Some guys are small and go against the traditional WWE superstar, but yet are so damn good they make it to the top - I'm talking about guys like Eddie Guerrero, or even Shawn Michaels or Daniel Bryan right now. You have guys who would never be the typical WWE superstar, but because they were so damn good, they would rise to the top of the mountain. You have to realize that if you have 60 guys on the roster, the WWE is going to try and get every one of those 60 guys to world championship level. Some of them will make it, the majority won't, but until you try, you just never know. Everyone's got to get a full chance, if not, why are they even there on the payroll?" 

Ric Flair:

A WWE insider has listed the issues WWE had with Ric Flair at the WWE games symposium...

* He criticised a WWE booking from 1992, when at WrestleMania 8, Hogan was put with Sid and Flair with Savage, hinting at a lack of courage in pulling out of the planned match.

* He mocked Hulk Hogan for his back surgeries.

* Flair said he would renege on his retirement clause and would return for WrestleMania 30.

* He said he would wrestle John Cena at the card.

* He says he bought Cena his first beer.

* Then accused Cena of being afraid of him.

* Complained about never getting to wrestle Austin, (They were booked to wrestle at King Of The Ring in 2002, but Austin's walk out meant Eddie Guerrero got the spot).

* Mick Foley said he would have loved to have wrestled Flair, to which Flair jumped over him saying they wrestled at a SummerSlam and for TNA.

* JR said that would need to be cut, Flair replied he didn't care.

* Flair and Foley then talked for a while about their time in TNA.

* Flair says The Undertaker didn't like taking his chops.

* He ribbed Bret Hart for being too scared to take the same move.

*** This is the one they are hottest about***

* When Daniel Bryan was asked about his favourite WrestleMania match, he joked he didn't feel like he belonged on the panel alongside the great names he was in company with, Flair was cutting in his response, saying...

''41 years of wrestling, you can imagine how I feel. Good lord, what would Harley (Race) say?''

*** WWE were furious that Flair diminished the guy they had booked to win (Although briefly) their top title, the next night***

* He mocked Mr. Perfect, talking like a child whilst impersonating him.

* He revealed a personal story about getting drunk with Jim Ross and his wife, and made somewhat disparaging comments about Mrs. Ross.

* He called Mick Foley a ''Human Jellyfish''

* He said he would be at Mania 30 with Austin, maybe spoiling Austin's return?.

* He then attacked his former wife, and told the crowd not to get married.

Bella's to TV:

The Bella's are guest stars on an episode of Psych this week.

WWE sign NFL star:

Monkeith Brown has rejected the chance to join Tampa Bay, and has instead signed a WWE developmental deal.

WrestleMania 2016:

Philadelphia vs Santa Clara...

These are the two cities that have made the final shortlist to host WrestleMania 32.

Bids and pitches will be made to Vince McMahon next week.


Philadelphia are favourites to get it because they just missed out in a recent bid to get the show.

PPV to be dropped:

Hell In A Cell will be no more after this year, the match may still be used sporadically, but the PPV is to be axed.

SummerSlam change:

Next year will end a 5 year run of SummerSlam being held at the Staples Center. WWE plan on returning to the original host venue of the event Madison Square Garden in 2014.

Rey Mysterio:

Rey is now booked to appear at all of this weekend's live WWE events.

Top TNA star leaving next month:

Next month will see the end of the contract of AJ Styles, word is TNA are not overly interested in re-signing him, and the man himself has acknowledged a change could be coming, writing on his Facebook...

"Where do fans want AJ Styles to be? TNA? WWE? ROH? Japan? Lots of options. Tough decisions."


Where would you like to see AJ Styles end up - WWE, TNA, ROH, or Japan???.

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