Friday, August 2, 2013

Today's News

August 1:

Tito Ortiz was revealed as the man behind the August 1 teasers on Impact last night.

Zack Gowen talks his match vs Vince McMahon:

"Vince himself, during the match, asked me to give him some stiff shots. Basically I was just giving him some wrestling punches and he yelled at me in the middle of the match. He goes 'Zach, f---ing hit me for real'. And then I got scared because I didn't want to punch Vince in the head, but I realized that he's not a wrestler, and he can't really sell or register what I'm doing if I'm not connecting with him. so I took that as a very cool opportunity. I got carte blanche to punch Vince McMahon as hard as I could in the face and I did that repeatedly! To me that felt really good. But that came from Vince himself, that's what he wanted because it was best for business...that was surreal and Vince is a maniac and I love him to death, and I'll love him for as long as I live, and he saved my life. But he's a maniac."

He also revealed WWE have approached him for a return and continue to do so, and he will always be open to coming back, but only if the story is right. He added that since becoming a parent he is very protective over being his own boss and only accepting the bookings that he wants to do.

Goldberg opens the door to WWE return?:

Goldberg was interviewed by fourth and Pain this week he said he did not follow WWE but mocked Ryback for copying his gimmick, and when asked about having one more match he said he would consider a match vs The Undertaker to be a dream opportunity.

Maxine lands TV Show:

WWE Alum Maxine will star in The Cell, filming begins next month in El Paso, Texas.

TNA Impact SPOILERS!!! for 8/8:

* Eric Young vs Robbie E.

* Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez vs Garrett Bischoff & Wes Brisco

* Jeff Hardy vs Samoa Joe

* Magnus vs Mr. Anderson

* Bromance and Mickie James vs Gunner, James Storm and ODB

* Christopher Daniels vs Kazarian

* Chris Sabin & Kurt Angle vs Team 3D

Daniel Bryan on WWE vs Indy's:

"Wrestling-wise, there's a huge difference. You see me on the television, that can be under 10 minutes … on the independent circuit the longest match I ever did was, I think, 76 minutes."

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