Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Today's News


WWE have announced SummerSlam will have a 1 hour kick off pre-show, longer than has been usual in the past.

They have also hired a plethora of celebs to promote the show through their social media...

Pink, Piers Morgan, Kelly Osbourne, Zendaya Coleman, Anthony Anderson, Omar Epps, Corbin Bleu, Jenny McCarthy, Jon Secada, Katie Couric, Maria Menounos, David Hasselhoff and Bret Michaels Will all be tweeting, facebooking and more throughout this week.

And finally SummerSlam host The Miz will be using Google Glasses during the show to give followers of his social media the chance to see life from a WWE star's point of view.

Hulk Hogan backtracks on movie rumour:

Hulk Hogan has backtracked on his comments regarding a biopic of his life, he said TMZ exaggerated his comments to them...

"It's not really true. It's a TMZ headline.... What happened was, I was going through LaGuardia Airport ... this guy asked me a bunch of dumb questions for TMZ and he goes, 'Eh, when are they going to do a bio about your life?' And I said, 'It's already in development.' So now everybody's rambling like it's a feature film already. But the truth is ... two kids that are writers in L.A., hot young writers, they did a four-page treatment and I'm telling you they nailed it — they nailed it like they were living in my shoes — and I gave them the green light to go ahead and write the first pass. But that's all it is."

He also says he does not plan on returning to the ring, and that he has forgiven Bret Hart for their feud.


Sheamus had his shoulder surgery yesterday, it was his first ever operation, and it went well, he will start physical therapy today (Pic on wall).

CM Punk interview:

Highlights include his pick for HOF 2014, his real world feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin, his DVD including pre - WWE footage, and who he wants to face at WrestleMania 30.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Wyatt Family Promo

* Christian vs Damien Sandow

* AJ Lee & Layla vs Kaitlyn & Natalya

* Big Show, Mark Henry & Rob Van Dam vs The Shield

* Jack Swagger vs The Miz

* Curtis Axel vs Zack Ryder

* Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett

Less than 5,000 people attended the show, and a large section of the arena was tarped off.

Last night also saw a Superstars taping, this was because the arena of the post SummerSlam Raw in Anaheim, California will not open it's doors until 30 minutes before the show goes live, and that will not give WWE enough time to film the footage needed for the show.

Ex Diva working for WWE this week:

Eve Torres is doing some promotional work for WWE this week, She lives in the area of the show (LA) and will attend some charity events representing the promotion.

Brock through until Mania?:

Brock Lesnar has a 3 PPV deal for this WWE year (Night after Mania until next years Mania) SummerSlam will be the second of those PPV's , so unless things change with his contract we will not see him again until WrestleMania 30 next year.

Celeb returns to the ring:

Maria Menounos will team with Natalya vs Brie Bella and an as yet unnamed partner as part of the SummerSlam Axxess festivities.


WWE are promising to improve SmackDown, and to bring it on par with Raw, including moving the show to 3 hours in the hopes of securing a renewed deal with the Sy Fy Channel to continue to air the broadcasts, the current deal runs out next month.

Total Diva's:

WWE are already working on securing a second series of their ''Reality'' show, and off the back of the success of the program The Bella's are now described as the top women in the promotion.

The E! channel have also announced a 6 episode extension of the current series.

Crimson talks TNA release:

He says he was told that going on the road has cost TNA financially and they needed to make budget cuts...

"Word was going around that they were ready to clean house. I didn't expect to be released. I was hoping that they would have enough faith in the investment they've made the past three years. I got a call from Al Snow. Once I had him on the phone I kinda knew what it was. I wasn't too upset. We leveled with each other and that was it."

Triple H on Hogan:

Triple H has called Hulk Hogan a legend, one of the best ever, and said he will always be a part of the WWE universe during an interview to promote SummerSlam.

He was asked the question because Hogan has been announced as a character on the WWE 2K14 video game.

John Cena on Orton:

John Cena has congratulated Randy Orton on his handling of the fan assault in South Africa, he was also critical of the security, and questioned whether WWE would return to the country.

DDP featured:

Diamond Dallas Page's accountability crib will be featured on HBO later this week, the show will be called Real Sports with Brian Gumbel.

Jake The Snake and Scott Hall give candid interviews on the help DDP has given them to get clean, and their personal issues that led them to seeking out that help.


WWE are looking to bringing SmackDown up to 3 hours. Do the 3 hour broadcasts work for you, how do you feel it affects the product???.

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