Saturday, August 24, 2013

Today's News

Dixie Carter presents TNA contract:

To X Division Champ Manik...

What does Nikki Bella see in John Cena?:

Well, She told her Sister Brie in footage shot for Total Diva's that She gets turned on seeing him working half naked, and that She likes to bite his butt... Classy 

She has also started her Rehab from injury, however no timetable for her return is yet in place.

TNA Knockout to WWE?:

So Cal Val who was released from TNA on Thursday was at the NXT Taping's the same night. Moving on quickly it seems.

TNA now have less than 50 rostered stars, D'Von Dudley has also been removed from the active roster, and will move into a backstage role, thought to be that vacated by D'Lo Brown.


WWE Alum Victoria, formerly Tara in TNA has announced She will never go back to the company after the way they released her, She also hinted that retirement is on her mind, but says She will fulfill her Indy dates before making her final decision...

"It was a surprise to me. I went to TNA because I wanted to work with some of the great female wrestlers that I hadn't faced like Kong, ODB, and Sarita. TNA has definitely shifted their focus as far as the women's division. It was really my love of wrestling that kept me going. I didn't think it was the right fit for me anymore. My contract was up in a month or two. They knew I wasn't going to re-sign. First, they had the travel guy call me and tell me I was released. Then Dixie called me later that day and said that it was a financial thing, and they knew I was ready to jump ship anyway. I think the classy thing to do would have been to give me the opportunity to quit rather than getting released. But at the end of the day, everyone got what they wanted."

Hall Of Famer slimming:

Dusty Rhodes has dropped to 285 lbs from 324 lbs, and plans to lose more.

Conflict in WWE over Cena:

John Cena has set his goal of returning to WWE in time for WrestleMania 30, however WWE want to recreate the 2008 Royal Rumble moment, by having him come back as a surprise entrant in the over the top rope match, Cena's Doctors say that is ''Pushing it''.

The Rock will not work WrestleMania 30:

In an internal message to the merchandising department of WWE, which has leaked online, WWE have pulled all planned new lines of Merchandise for The Rock, because it says, he has told officials he will not work for them again until 2015. No Official word from either side at this time.

Night Of Champions:

In another leak the current planned card for the next WWE PPV has appeared on the net...

* Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan (WWE Title)

* Alberto Del Rio vs Rob Van Dam (World Title)

* Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns vs Big Show and Mark Henry (Tag Team Titles)

* Curtis Axel vs CM Punk (Intercontinental Title)

* Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler (United States Title)

* AJ Lee vs One of the Total Divas (Divas Title)

* The Usos vs. Erick Rowan and Luke Harper

Related to this WWE have listed their top 10 NOC wins...

WWE poll fans on who should be ''The face of WWE'':

Standings are as follows...

* John Cena (32%)

* CM Punk (22%)

* Daniel Bryan (21%)

* Randy Orton (18%)

* Triple H (4%)

* Mr. McMahon (2%)

* Alberto Del Rio (1%).

Total Diva's:

I am reluctant to post stuff from this show because so much of it is scripted, but this fight between Brodus Clay's dancers was apparently legit...

Personally looks forced / acted to me... Could be wrong... IDK.


Who should be the next ''Face of WWE''???

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